I'm in the chat room all alone......
Ok, I hung around that cold empty room for 1 hour sipping on my way to strong coffee, hubby must have been 1/2 asleep when he made this pot. Anyway Paula is about to come on so I must retreat to my chair with my multi-berry proten smoothie and just enjoy the remainder of my morning. I have to get out today and do a little shopping. Seems I need smaller pants. It's a shame isn't it? me laughing all the way to Lane Bryant. I've gone from a 30/32 to now a 20. I feel like the witch on The Wizard of Oz. "I'M MELTING". OK enough idle chit chat. I'll check back in later and see who's hanging around.
Oh Margie,
I am sorry you sat there waiting all alone. I have been busy getting everything together before Tuesday gets here. I figure I can set a date and time when I am like 2 weeks post op.
I woke up late because this cold kicked my butt all night long and I barely slept I think I was even delirious at one point. Because I was saying I will not be having the surgery because...... I am sat there realizing I was talking in my sleep. I felt fine not nervous or anything and I said yeah of course I am having my surgery and laid back down. lol Boy the subconscience (don't know how to spell that one) can really do a number on ya. lol
But guess what I just had my cycle 14 days ago and I started spotting for 2 days now. I wonder if it stress because I am not worried or is it because I lost more weight and the estrogen is being released into my system from the fat. I just hope it stops by Tuesday it will be kind of messed up to have a pad and a catheter. Yuck.
By the way I have a question. When you guys woke up from the surgery did you have a tube in your nose that went down to your tummy? I forgot to ask DVR.
who will be a BIG LOSER in 2 more days and one wake up! lol
Good then that is fine with me!!!
Someone in OH told me she woke up with a tube down her nose and that she was letting me know because doctors don't telly you that. I guess in her part it was a special cir****tance or her dr does it that way.
Thank you for the information.
Here I go for tubes up to the WAZOOOOOOOOO!! lol
Hey Cira!
Just one more full day before you are a Loser!!! YAY!!! I did have tubes down my nose into my tummy when I woke up. They were in the first full day and they took them out the next morning. I really didn't even know they were there and it was a little uncomfortable when the nurse pulled them out but I guess all the meds I was on made it easier to tolerate. I think each doc is different but just wanted to share my experience with you. Mine was also Open RNY so I don't know if that makes a difference or if it was just my surgeon. You are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick surgery and easy recovery. Try to relax and take it easy over the next day, I know sleep will be difficult but try. The more rested you are on the day of surgery the better is is for you. My surgeon let me take a Tylenol PM the night before surgery and I am so glad he did...but I didn't have to do the bowel prep stuff because it was Open.
All my best and I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday!!!
Oooooooh, I'm sorry I didn't peek in earlier or I would have popped into chat. I took over 600 pictures last night at the retirement party so I've been weeding through them figuring out what to keep, what to toss, what to see if I can lighten up some, and how to fix some REALLY bad red eye.
Two late nights in a row has kicked my butt big time. I got to bed about 1 a.m. and was up at 5:15 because I was wide awake. Now I'm wondering WHY I didn't go back to bed, but it's 1 p.m. and I need to shower and run some errands!
I'll check back later, but the shower is calling me!
Hugs, Mo