Happy Birthday Mo!
Hey Tia
Thank you so much! We're rockin' tonight at the Verizon Center with Bob Seger!!!! I've been looking forward to this since before Christmas, so I am ready for sure. We are going with Jeff & Wendy so that should be fun too. We are leaving our house about 5 and I think going to find dinner when we get to DC (via Metro ..)
The fun will continue tomorrow night when we go to a retirement party for one of Mr Mo's co-workers who has retired with 54 years ( can you imagine????). I've offered to do the photography so I'll be busy and won't need to be entertained or feel left out because I don't know many people there!
Hugs & smoochies, Mo
p.s. Lefty appreciates the catnip

Thanks BJ
I saw Seger for the first time in 1983. I was so-so about the concert .. UNTIL I got there and then I was bowled over! It was the best show I've ever seen. He was still good on the 1996 tour, but trying out some 'new' music that didn't go over quite so well. His newest CD is like a flashback to the 70's/80's music. I read a review of his show at Madison Sq Garden last week ... the review said he still has it .. so I'm sure I'll be rockin!
Hugs, Mo

Have a wonderful time today Mo!!! I am sure you will take awesome pics and have a great time tomorrow ant the retirement party.
Hugs and much love
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Mo,
Happy Birthday to you
Wishing you all the best that life has to offer.