I've got a DATE!!! Feb 28th!!
I got the call first thing this morning!! FEBRUARY 28th!
I haven't been able to get a lick of work done all morning!! My mind is BLOWN!
I've got a whole bunch of pre-op testing to have done before the 19th and even though I've already got it all scheduled, this doesn't feel real!
When will it start to sink in? I feel like I'm still on cloud 9!

Hi Linda,
I am doing really good. Just trying to get a viarity of liquid proteinthat I can try for the next few days. I want to have a few options post op. Since I have no idea what my taste buds will be putting me through.
But I am right now fighting a cold and I am worried that I can't shake this off quick enough. I don't want to have my surgery cancelled.
I am not nervous yet thank goodness.
Thank you so much for checking up on me.
Angela, I just checked out your profile and I tell you what - your one motivated, organized individual. I will sit down and thoroughly read through it this weekend. I need to know my ANGELETTE!! So happy to be an angel once again. Remember, email me or call if there are any concerns, or you just need a sounding board. You're on your way now. From your profile I can see that your a beautiful woman, inside and out. Very soon, you'll be a healthier beautiful woman, inside and out. Your family will be grateful for the extra time/years that they will have with you.
P.S. My son Andrew (22 years old) went to Africa last summer. Loved it so much, wanted to return. He has many memories made there.