Thanks Mo!!!

Oh my....could you have seen it then?? You're right! LOL I think we need to have a batchlorette party for Pat. Wouldn't that be a kick????
Do a whole St. Patty's Day theme and maybe a little leprachaun stripper.......
Hee hee hee Just kidding Pat!!!!
I know we were talking about doing something maybe next time at Savage Mill. Since all the main stores are inside and they have the food court and the other resturant it could work. Just alot of walking which might not work for everyone yet. Just an idea thrown in there. Have a great and happy day!!!!

Hey Mo!
I'll put a post up tonight about it. Putting me in charge of something......HEH HEH HEH That's a hoot LOL I'm not sure about the 25th I have to check with my Mom to see when my sister and her husband & parents are coming into town. I'm good with the 17th for sure and if I see my family on the 24th I'm good for the 25th. I haven't been to Timbuktu for years...I just remember how huge the crab cake was!

We are headed to CT for Pres Day weekend for a surprise 50th for my brother in law so the 17th won't work for me.
. So I hope that the 24th or 25th will work for folks. Timbuktu is another one of those places I've been wanting to go to for YEARS that Mr Mo has not cooperated about. I finally got to Hella's (crab cakes are the same as Timbuktu's) but that was because I wasn't paying attention to the fact that we were meeting the 'guys' (literally) to watch the Ravens game on the big screen.
Hugs, Mo

OK Hopefully that will work. I'll put something on the post tonight...I think the last weekend will be good, hopefully for everyone....besides, Cira will be a post-op for a few weeks by then so she might be able to come
It'll be great to see her afterwards. I know she is so excited!!!!
Hella's is good too, haven't been there in years either but I do remember their crab cakes. YUM! I think I'll post both suggestions and let the people decide which they want to do...we'll vote!!!!!
Hope your day is going well. I've been up and around getting people in to speak with the Long Term Disability woman who is here today. At least that way I am away from my desk and don't have to look at nasty co-worker whom I want to put through a wall.....did I say that out loud????