Who's lurkin' ????

Good Morning Mo
Home from morning water arobics and I am beat. I had my 2 personal training appoinments Thursday and Friday. Thursday wasnt bad it was just upper body stuff. Friday we did leg stuff and after I left there I came home and crashed. Then today a****er arobics I could feel my legs swimming away from me (lol) they dont like me anymore. Then It's back to do Cardio tommorow morning. I have to do everything by myself before I have my last appontment with my trainer on Tuesday. Monday is going to be strength training. Then I can pick everyother days to work out so I do not overdue it and wipe myself out or pull or sprain something. So today just relaxing doing house stuff and waiting for tea day. It will be nice to meet some people I have not meet yet. Hope you have a great Saturday and see you tommorow.
Hey Kelly
I know that feeling. I tried the cross country/eliptical thing this a.m. Thought I would shake up my cardio workout. OMG, I barely made it 3 minutes and decided I was going to the treadmill. I am sort of 'self-directed' on my fitness plan right now, but at some point I'll need to get serious and have a couple or three appointments with the PT.
See you tomorrow!
Hugs, Mo

Girl you are another Mo! I can't hang with you ladies!! You know why? I just sit on the floor and jack up my knee imagine doing all that exercising I would be dead! LOL
I hope to be feeling better soon so I can get serious on exercising and doing the water arobics with you all.
Congratulations for doing so good. I am very proud of you and Mo!
Hugs to you
Hi Mo,
I'm about lurking this chilly Saturday. Been searching for protien shake recipes and playing with my profile page. LOL I will master it someday. I'm enjoying my last weekend home. I return to work Monday night for first time since my surgery. Im anxious to return but still know there will be people with very negative comments on having the surgery. That and my boss decided to really pay me back for being off 8 weeks by making me work 6 days straight on return. I will show her though.. I will do it with a smile and no complaints and show Im the better person
I cant wait until next week, can finally start at a gym and exercise more than walking. Woohoo. I will be thinking of you all tomorrow and wish I would of been able to join you. Hopefully the next one I will be able to. Take care and have a great day.