5 a.m. gym jaunt

on 1/24/07 8:58 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Good morning Just reporting in that I was at the gym at 5:05 and did my two rounds on the total body circuit. Last night I did 35 minutes on the bike. They have two different styles of recumbant bikes, one you can set for up to 60 minutes, the other one no matter HOW you try to trick it, it cuts off the counting at 30 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down. I had planned on 45 minutes, but didn't get one of those bikes. Yes, I know that I could just do another 15 minutes after the 30 minutes cuts off, but that would be way too SIMPLE !!! Mr Mo and I are making great headway in going through clutter and putting the house in some kind of order, so when I got home last night I dove into that project. We are accumulating a pile to go to the dump tomorrow! That will be exciting .. to have the stuff GONE .. not just relocated from one spot in the house to another. I even made a dent in the list at the office yesterday! AND had my review which went well. I didn't expect it not to go well, but there's always that nagging little insecurity until it's over. I just peeked at my calendar for today, and so far no meetings so I may be able to really be productive again today. Tomorrow I'll be out at a conference so while it's work, it's almost like a day off. Remember Sunday at Retro Tea in Bowie ... 2:30 p.m. .. the upstairs party room. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/07 9:03 pm - Middle River, MD
A quick g.m. while I'm still alone in the office. Who'd ever thought I'd be saying, "I am SO happy I'll be in Annapolis tomorrow!???" Not really sure what I'll do/say when the Colonel says, "Go ahead and go - have a nice weekend." We'll see. I have a therapy appointment tonight - poor Ranessa, maybe someone should call her and let her know she'll be earning her $$$$!!! I've been sooooo wiped this week - between follow-up doctor's appts. for KB and just the mental stress, I've been passing out as soon as I hit the pillow. Still waiting for the Tax Fairy to visit my bank account, then I'm off to buy a treadmill. Can't wait to be able to take my frustrations out on that instead of poor Mom! God love her, though, she understands - doesn't make it right, but she understands. BTW, Mo - I love you, but you're sick, sick, sick - 5:05 in the gym - SICK, I tell you!!! Have a great day - I hear the airlock on the door signaling someone's entering the Glass Zone, so I'd better run!! Till Sunday, Tia
on 1/24/07 9:16 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
You should be happy to be in Annapolis any day because I am here .. but tomorrow I won't be .. I'll be in Linthicum AND when he says have a nice weekend .. do JUST that! (you might ask if there is anything he needs you to do in Pikesville or should you just go home... just a suggestion .. ) Do you have any of your Pikesville work that you could bring with you and work on to fill up more of the day in Annapolis? I would have been at the gym even sooner but I got caught at the light at College Parkway .. and the dang thing too FOREVER to cycle and let me go. I almost considered cutting through the college, but discovered that would have been a worse idea because the gates on West Campus Drive were closed and I wouldn't have been able to get through to Big V. See you Sunday! Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/07 9:37 pm - Middle River, MD
Yes, Annapolis/Mo are synonymous in my mind!!! Actually, I may not have to "say" anything to him at all. Did I "forget" to mention that his best friend is one of mine, also? AND, they're driving to the Polar Bear Plunge together on Saturday, so should my friend just "happen" to say something to him, well, who am I to stop him? Actually, I have NO work to do, here or there. It's not often that I say that, but I actually did manage to get our files organized for 07 AND to do my own batch of filing. It's my nemesis - one of them, anyway!!! They don't care what I do while the briefing's going on from 10-12 tomorrow, so I'm going to bring a book and quietly read. Once it's over, he'll have some things to do, but I'm basically there to be at his "beck and call." She's actually been quite nice to me since she took a chunk of my heinie - but I'm on to her, so I just answer what I have to in one syllable answers!!!!!!! AH, SUNDAY - TEA FOR TIA!!!!! Actually, I'm going to call Terry later and see if she minds if a new "loser" friend of mine tags along. I'm sure she won't mind, so count an extra body in for me, would ya? Hugs to Lefty, Beagle-Butts from Molly! Tia
on 1/25/07 12:21 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
How 'convenient' to have friends in common I can see that working to your advantage! Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/07 12:58 am - Middle River, MD
I KNEW Garth Brooks was an inspiring songwriter!!! Except, I GOT FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES!!! WOO-HOO!!!!! Tia
on 1/24/07 9:10 pm - Losinsum, MD
GM Mo and Everybody! Wow...I wish I had your bravery being at the gym at 5:05....I am going to get back there as soon as I can. I need to see the Dr. about my foot first. I hear you on going through the clutter. I'm starting to get in the mood to start pitching stuff. Especially in my office. I affectionately refer to it as "the bermuda triangle". It is very messy and cluttered, but I know where stuff is, honest! The clutter is starting to bug me big time, so I feel a big cleaning coming on. I'm not sure I'll get online tomorrow with Mom's surgery, so I'll say now, have a great weekend, Mo and everybody and I'll see you Sunday. Have a wonderful day! Take Care, Terry
on 1/24/07 9:23 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Terry I'll be thinking about McMom tomorrow. Hope it all goes well and this is the end of it finally. Remember Terry, I'm a late bloomer with the exercise ... and it's only been since early December that I have been doing any consistent stuff .. and only since the beginning of the year that I have been doing the circuit (and I can't understand WHY I haven't lost at least 2 sizes in 3 weeks ... I want that instant gratification now!!!) It is not my intent to 'brag' about the gym, but I figure if yall see me posting about the gym on a daily basis, I become accountable to yall for my exercise program and if I slack off .. you'll call me on it! 5 a.m is a pretty peaceful time there and I can do the circuit without too many other people being in my way. I only have about 30-35 minutes that I can devote to going in the a.m. so the circuit works well for me. I really like to try to devote 45 to 60 minutes minimum when I do cardio, but you never know, I might start going 5 mornings and doing the circuit T/Th and the dreaded eliptical for 20-30 minutes the other 3 mornings .. that would leave my evenings free .. I'll have to give this plan some thought. hmmmmmmm... Have a good day .. and hugs to you and McMom for tomorrow. Mo
on 1/24/07 9:28 pm - Columbia, MD
Good morning. Is it already the last Sunday of the month this weekend? This month has flown by. My goodness. I nearly forgot about the tea so thanks for the reminder. I'll be there! Well, I am doing okay with exercise, water & eating. I am really trying to skip my snack from work to home and while preparing dinner. I think that will save me about 200 calories a day. It's hard though because I really crave the crunchy salty stuff that time of day. I have decided that I will go to the gym M,W,F for cardio and abs, then on T,T I will do strength training and follow up with cardio at curves. Curves is more of a cardio workout for me since the strength training really works my muscles more than curves. We have boot camp again tonight so I am looking forward to that. I have greatly improved my water intake so I am quite happy about that. Of course I get my vits in 2x a day. The India trip is cancelled but now it to China. I only have 5 weeks to put this one together! Yikes! There's a lot of paperwork and stuff to do for the Visa. I may have to take a trip to DC to get this processed in person. We'll see. Well, I have to run. Gotta get breakfast before the first meeting of the day is over. I have 3 meetings today (one already in progress) so I'll be busy. Hugs, Robin PS. Mo you are doing so great! Keep it up.
on 1/24/07 11:54 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Hey Robin My sister used to do a lot of international traveling with her past employer and it was very draining. I know she's thrilled to be based in New England and only have to travel in NE for a change though she has said that is almost as draining because she is traveling so often even though it's not as far from home. I can only imagine the coordinating it will take to get it all done on your part! Have a great day, see you on Sunday. Hugs, Mo
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