Happy Hump Day Everybody!

on 1/23/07 10:43 pm - Losinsum, MD
So how is everyone today? I know I'm late posting today (that bed just felt too good..hehe). How goes the eating, fluids, protein, supplements and exercise? I'm doing good on all counts but the big "E". I told myself I was going to get back to the gym this week, but my foot is hurting and I need to get off my butt and call a podiatrist and make an appointment. So what's up in your world? I'm excited about seeing everybody on Sunday! Have a great day! Take Care, Terry
on 1/23/07 11:03 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
hey Terry Just peeking in and out as I do other things here at my desk. Have an almost empty day calendar-wise (just a meeting with my boss at 2 for my annual review) so I am hoping to be productive on some of the tasks on my list for a change. Last night I had my nail appointment so I skipped cardio at the gym but I was there at 5 a.m. for my 2 rounds on the total body circuit. I've got my bag in the truck to stop on the way home tonight. I'll probably do 45 minutes on the bike and then head home. I'll do my 5 a.m. circuit again in the morning and possibly do 30-40 of cardio tomorrow night. Mr Mo and I have been making an effort to try to clean one room at a time and get the clutter out. He's off this Friday and I am going to car pool with someone who lives close by to the conference I am going to, so I can leave Big Blue for him to make a dump run or two. I've been really motivated to get things picked up and maybe we can get started back on the work that needs be done on the house ... renovating bathrooms, new flooring/carpeting, windows, sliders, doors, etc. I'd like to be able to get the house done and enjoy it some before it comes time to sell it in 5 or 6 years. Ok, time to get back to the list. Hugs, Mo
Cira S.
on 1/23/07 11:12 pm - Charles Town , WV
Good morning Terry! I am sorry your foot is still hurting please make sure to call a podiatrist today. I hope your day is better than mine! Listen to this, on Monday when I got the surgery date I hurt my knee!! No it was not doing the happy dance either. My knees have been hurting alot since i have been making an effort to walk on the tread mill. Well, I sat on the floor because it hurts to squat and I can't kneel. So I sit there picking my kids woosen puzzles i was sitting for like maybe 8 minutes. When I went to stand up I was in excruciating pain and I had to go to the ER that same evening. They took an x ray which is fine. They put my leg in a leg brace from my knee to my ankle and gave me percocet for pain. I have to see the orthopedic dr on Fri morning. I have major pain, I can not put weight on it, straighten it out or evem bend it much. I also feel major burning pain in there so they think I might have a real bad sprain or ripped somthing in there. I have a question do you think this is going to hinder having my surgery on the 6th of Feb? I am suppose to be exercising and walking after surgery... I am so afraid this will mess me up. What do you think? I will be talking to Kathy the nurse at DVR about it but I was wondering if you or anyone else might know. Have a great day! hugs, Cira
on 1/24/07 2:46 am - Baltimore, MD
I'd be surprised if this held up your surgery. Many people who are unable to walk or able to walk very far are having this surgery everyday. Having the surgery and losing the weight will only help the knee no matter what the issue is there (hopefully only a sprain!). Getting through another gray January day. The kids have had one cold related ailment after another since the first of the year. Ear infections to chronic coughs at night to mucusy discharge around the eyes (yea!). I'm hoping that all of that will go 'way soon. I feel like I'm constantly at the pediatrician's office right now and there's not a lot they can do for them.
Cira S.
on 1/24/07 3:43 am - Charles Town , WV
Thank you so much Daniel for your response it is greatly appreciated. I starting to worry about not being able to move much and causing blood clots. I am a big worry wart! lol Oh trust me I can totally relate with you with the kids being sick. I have been in the peds office 4 times and in the ER with my child once. The chronic coughs with the mucusy disharge is here too. I hope your children get to feeling better soon. I hope the rest of what is left of January is good to you and yours. Thank you so much again! Cira
on 1/24/07 4:17 am
I joined a gym last night, of course I can't go until this weekend. But I have been making the effort to use the treadmill at home or a power walking show on cable. I'm pretty close with getting in the water and most of the supplements everyday. Not sure about the protein, although I think I'm pretty close. As of last Friday I had lost 5.4 pounds. Weigh in is on Friday, so hopefully it will be going in the right direction! Terry-sorry to hear about your foot. I hope you can get to the doctor soon so they can fix you up. Mo, I wish my calendar was clear for a day. I can't even answer the phone right now. And it seems to be ringing off the hook. Maybe my work load will start to look better by April! Daniel, I so understand about the kids being sick. My 2 year old has had the cough for about a month. They put him on something, it gets better, then comes back in a few days. And I'm getting ready to go out of town next week, so I better not get it! Cira, I've heard the treadmill can be very hard on the knees. The first walk I took once I got home from the hospital was around my back yard. Then I had to take a nap I was so tired! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.
Aime B.
on 1/24/07 8:08 am - Baltimore, MD
Hey everyone!!! This has been one of those days.. good, bad.. okay.. great.. so so... And it isn't over yet. I just got a call from DVR's office. Seems my cholesterol is still elevated. So I will have to go back on medication. Oh well, but my A1C was at 89.. woo hoo. I was trying to think if something in my diet would be the reason for the elevated counts, but I really can't eat much of anything. Oh well.. guess this one is because of my Aunt Fo or what ever that commercial says. I hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves. Aime
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