Hi-New to group
Hi everyone. I've been reading the post for a few days and finally decided to post my own.
I has surgery almost 4 years ago. After the birth of my son 2 years ago I had lost 160 pounds, half of my starting weight. I left the hospital weighing less than when I went in! But since then, I've gained 40 pounds. YIKES! I guess since I such an easy time of losing my weight and still losing when I was pregnant I thought I could do whatever I wanted. So I fell into some old horrible habits. Soda, candy, junk food, grazing snacks all day long, no vits or exercise.
So on the 10th of this month I joined in with a group of people to lose weight (and hopefully win money since this is a weight loss challange through work). I weighed in on Friday and lost 5.4 pounds! I've been trying to remember to write down everything I eat, even gum. I've only had one soda and I'm really trying to get in all my water. I got back on the treadmill at home. Now I'm even looking to join a gym. I think I might do Planet Fitness in Ellicott City.
Well, I guess that's enough about me. Hope you all have a wonderful day and I look forwad to getting to know you.