Saturday a.m. ??

on 1/19/07 11:15 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Who's out there lurking ??? It's just about 10 a.m., I've been to the gym for my cardio and strength thing and now I'm enjoying my coffee before I hit the shower. Mr Mo is the late man today so I'll be on my own once he leaves around noon. That sort of puts a damper on going out to dinner because the earliest he'll be home is probably 8:30 and by that time my eyelids are usually droopin'. I think I'll try to do some things around the house .. but I am most likely to play with the new laptop and load some music on to it. There's an RV show at the Dulles Expo center this weekend. If we are really motivated to get up tomorrow a.m. we might go check out RV's. We've never been to that show before. Not that we need a new RV ... the one we have is perfectly fine, but we are ALWAYS looking, so we get ideas for what we want next. Have a wonderful Saturday!... See ya later. Don't forget January 28th at Retro Tea! Hugs, Mo
on 1/20/07 1:29 am - SHADY SIDE, MD
HI Mo, I was lurking around 9 this morning but didn't see where anyone had posted anything so I got my coffee and turned on my Food Network. I slept later then I wanted to but what the heck I'm up early all week. I have put a chicken in the crock pot with all kinds of good stuff to cook up so I can make chicken noodle soup later. That is going to hit the spot this cold weekend. Wonder if we will get any snow? I guess nobody really knows till we look outside and see it. Hubby and I have gift cards from Christmas to spend so I think today will be the day we venture out and do just that. I am down 75 lbs and need some new shirts, I'm swimming in mine. I have been putting it off but it's a must. I will just get a couple to tide me over. We need to do some house cleaning but I just think spending money is just so much more fun. Last weekend we spent in OC and we went to the Craft Show which for the first time in years I actually walked the entire thing, don't get me wrong I sat down as often as I could but I didn't take the wheel chair and I was very proud of myself. Now don't pat me on the back to fast cause like a dummy I overdid it and my knees have been at their worst all week. Today they feel much better so when we go out I'm going to take it easy. Well I think I'll go watch Mrs Barefoot Contessa and smell the wonderful aroma of chicken wafting throughout my house. I'll check in later but till then everyone have a great Saturday, eat right, remember your protein and we will talk later. That little protein reminder was really for me. Just had blood work done and Doctor sent me a letter with demands that I get in more protein, I must be really low.. dah like I didn't know that already. I have to get on the ball with that..... Ok I'm off... enjoy. Margie
on 1/20/07 2:14 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Margie! My favorite little lurker! You go girl with that 75 pounds! Given a choice between shopping or cleaning .. oooooooooh .. let me see .. ummmmmmmm.. shopping will win EVERY time! Speaking of cleaning, though, I have to do some ... I finally scheduled Verizon to come do our FIOS install for the internet, and I have to do something about the computer room .. it's a disaster!!! I have two weeks, but I think I had better get started today or I'll be leaving it to the very last minute. They are coming out Friday Feb 2 . We will finally join the highspeed world . AND I'll be able to use my new laptop wirelessly I am sooo needing a trip to OC. We had a condo at 35th street for a while and would spend a lot of off season time down there, but sold the place 4 years ago and I am not sure I've been to OC 5 times since then. We are going for St Patrick's day with a bunch of friends. That will be just like being home .. just in OC ... Yes .. PROTEIN!!! PROTEIN !!! PROTEIN!!! is very very important. Don't be messing around missy, get your protein. Talk to you later. Hugs, Mo
on 1/20/07 8:15 am - SHADY SIDE, MD
HI, It's 7:15 and we just got home from spending money which is fun at the time then we realize that we never planted those money trees in the back yard. Anyway I got three new shirts and only one goes back. I have a problem with the way they fit across the belly since I've lost weight. I'll take the one back and get something else. I'm pooped from running around all day and my chicken noodle soup is ready so I'll sit down with a bowl and relax. I bought some South Beach meals for me to take to lunch, I got the ones with the most protein so those with my drinks should help me keep it up. I'm gonna try harder in that department. Well Mo I'll look for you in the morning but I'm not as much an early bird as you are. Margie
on 1/20/07 10:04 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Yeah .. my money trees are a bit bare also which made me stay in today and not go out to play at Old Navy and Kohls. The credit cards work, but there comes a day of reckoning on them!!! I do try to get my protein through food, but Dr S is one of the protein shake for life guys, so I do make sure I have a shake in the a.m. and I also generally have a SB meal replacement bar (good for another 20 grams) at some point doing the day so I am guaranteed of at least 45 grams before anything I get through my regular food. If you beat me here in the a.m. feel free to post and I'll catchup later. I might try to sleep in .. to oooooooooh . let's see .. maybe 7 a.m. .. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/07 11:46 am - Crofton, MD
Hi Margie Congrats on your 75 lb loss. I know you are feeling better. I agree with you on the shopping versus cleaning. Shopping is more fun. Cleaning not so much. Even thought I am finding more of my mothers cleaning habits in myself and that is scary to me. She is cleaning every Saturday morning at 6 a.m. and has done it since I was a baby. But I can say I have more energy when I clean so that makes it a little easier. Well have a great weekend and see you later. Kelly
on 1/20/07 6:22 pm - Lusby, MD
You've had a weekend of WOW, huh? Congrats on the 75 lbs loss. So proud of you. Also, the fact that you were able to walk around all that you did. Your doing wonderfully! Your admission to watching the Food Network cracked me up. I love it. Very relaxing. My husband calls it "food porn". My favs are Paula, Rachel, and Ina. Love em!!! Take it easy on your knees today. You need them for more time to come. TraciL
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/07 11:41 am - Crofton, MD
Well I am a little late cause it is now 10:30 p.m. But had a busy day. Early arobics and then to my goddaughters 3rd Birthday party. Then off to my neice's birthday party again tommorow. So many kids in my family have January birthdays. Hope you had a good day and weekend and talk to you soon Kelly
on 1/20/07 9:57 pm - Columbia, MD
Hi Mo, This might come too late for you to say hi to Lindsey at Reines Motors at the RV show. I was his first babysitter and have been a close friend of his family ever since. He is a real sweetheart, adorable and, I think, still available. I have been sitting here and the time is slipping by trying to decide on aqua fitness or Thi Chi in the water. They are in two different facilities, one in cooler water and the other in warm sal****er. My initial desire was to to the thread mill and then water but now I can't do both. Too lazy on my part to change from wet to dry and continue. Like to come home after swimming and hang. Bruce works on Saturdays and Sundays and this makes the weekends long. On Thursdays and Fridays we have fun doing things together except exercise which he refuses to do even though he is also a member. Hugs, Adrienne
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