Guess what ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am approved for the surgery!!! Kathi Storm called me asking me what type of gall bladder surgery I had back in 1993 was it open or lap? I said open.. she said well DVR wanted to know what he is working with as for scar tissue is concern. I said ok.. So then she says by the you have been authorized and so Sheri will be calling Monday with a surgery date!!!!!! I almost fell on my face.. lol
It only took 2 days to get an answer!!!
I just wanted to quickly share with you guys before I left to take my son to the pediatrician for his second follow up. I will be bck later to post and bother you all with MANY questions. lol
Love you all and thank you for all the wonderful support.
Cira who is a bloddy mess today! ROFL
Hi Cira
I'm on the phone with Tia right now and we are both jumping up and down with you!!! We are excited for you. I am sure Tia will post when she can, but she had seen your post but can't get in to post a response herself. She has some words of advice/wisdom for you on the gall bladder that she will give you when she can get in.
Major BIG Hugs, Mo
Thanks so much! I am so shocked I really was not expecting to hear anything so soon. I actually kept thinking I was probably going to get denied at first. lol
I will definitely as a question now. I always get my nails done and I had taken a break from doing them. I was planning to have them redone tomorrow. Do you think it is ok to have gel nails when I go for surgery? I hate to get them done and then have to take them off.
Sorry for the dumb question. But I told ya I'll be asking. lol