I'm Still Alive :-)
Hello Everybody
I know I've been MIA this week. I'm still alive. I've been down with the creeping crud this week, missed two days from work and went to the Doctor. Drugs (antibiotics) are a beautiful thing
I'm feeling better, but still not quite 100% - at least I feel rested after sleeping for 8 hours now.
I'm doing great on the eating, fluids, supplements and protein. Exercise...what's that??? Mo, I applaud your 5 am jaunts to the gym. I am going to get back on track soon, as soon as I get my energy back.
This weekend I'll be working some on Sat and Sun to make up some of the time I missed earlier this week. Sat night should be fun, I'm going to the Ravens/Colts game (courtesy of my sister)..it's gonna be awesome! I'm off tomorrow and I think I'm going to sleep in, and then I'll be running errands so I'm not sure I'll get to post before tomorrow evening. I take McMom back to the Dr. for a checkup tomorrow afternoon. Please send up some prayers for healing - I had to take her back to the surgeon this past Monday for a problem with her incision (where the Dr. did not operate on last week) she may have an infection and they may have to remove the tissue expander to allow her to heal completely and then go back in and re-insert the tissue expander at a later date. McMom is not a happy camper, but overall she's doing well. She feels good and that's important.
So what's up in your world? How goes the eating/fluids/supplements/protein and exercise?
Have a Wonderful Day!
Take Care,

Good morning Terry
Sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather! I was 5 days last week without insurance as we switched from the County to Mr Mo's fed plan and I was scared that I would get sick and need a doc during those days.
My heart goes out to McMom and her healing. I hate to say this but I think some of the issues may be 'age' related. I think it's harder healing the older we get and more prone we can be to complications. I'm glad she's a fighter though, I'm confident that she will be back in fighting form ASAP.
I've re-evaluated the 5 a.m. thing, and while it's a good idea to do T-T one week and M-W-F the next, I really think at this point that is way too ambitious, so I am going to stick to the T-T 5 a.m.'s and then pick up another couple of rounds on the circuit on Saturday a.m. when I have more time to devote to it.
Have a wonderful weekend, it sounds like a fun time. I know today is PURPLE Friday, but I wore all my purple on Wednesday, so I'm thinking I'll pass on it and just enjoy all the purple surrounding me in the office.
Hugs, Mo

Hi Terry,
I think this has been one of those weeks. Hmm, maybe I;ll call it mania week. It has either been way up there or way down there. I want some nice calm days. I don't like riding the rollercoaster all the time.
I do hope your mom will have a good result at the doctor. She has been through so much the past several months.
I think I am doing better with my fluids. I am trying to drink more and more all the time. I am also running to the bathroom more and more all the time.
I am looking forward to a 3 days weekend. I so need the peace and quiet. I will have to do some work, but at least I can work from my home and no one will be bothering me. If they do, I can throw them out.
Have a great day.

Hey girl -
Glad to hear you're still around! I called your cell earlier in the week, and if I hadn't seen you on here this morning, was gonna call the house! Sorry to hear you were down and out.
Have a great time at the game! OMG! Wait till I tell Brother - won't HE be sorry he thought you were geographically unacceptable!!! I just can't even imagine how insane it's gonna be in Baltimore!!!! I have KB tomorrow, we're going to Five Below, (a $5 store), then back home to play with some of their new board games and - you guessed it - laundry!!!! I'm going to my bgf's for dinner and hanging out after that. Sunday, I'll probably sleep in (yeah, right), then Mom & I may go to the movies. Since Monday's a State holiday and it's supposed to rain, sounds like a good day to take down the tree. Yes, it's still up, which is actually normal for our house.
Poor, poor McMom!!!! I know she must be so frustrated. Hopefully, they'll be able to resolve this quickly. Please let her know I'm thinking of her. Dr. Tia is thinking that a prescription for Rheb's is in order!
Kaity & I exercised together on Wednesday night to Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. We did the 1 mile, which made me sweat, but not her. I think she really doesn't want to exercise, but I also think she thinks she's doing it for me. Really, we're doing it for each other. Afterward, she showed me, or tried to show me, Dance, Dance Revolution - I'm hopeless. But she's great at it. You can select different songs to "dance" to, so I kept asking her to show me different ones - and she did it without realizing what I was doing. It's fun, but Tia's gotta work on her coordination. That's on our agenda for tomorrow, too!
Well, have a great weekend!!! Supposed to rain at the game tomorrow, so bundle up so you don't get sick again!
Hi Terry,
I am sorry that McMom is having such a hard time. I am sure it is quite upsetting to be taking so long to heal and having so many set backs. I am praying for her (& you too) for complete healing SOON!!! I am glad you are feeling better. I am fighting a cold myself. But I seem to be winning this battle, thankfully.
I am sure you will have a lot of fun at the game on Saturday. Today is purple day here in the office and I have on my BLUE is support of the Colts. I know, I am pretty much alone in my feelings. Thankfully no one around here has led a revolt against me and tried to throw me out of the building. HAHA.
It's all fun. I love football (my husband is quite happy about this fact
) and so I enjoy any game.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you.
Hugs, Robin