Who thought ....
Going to the gym at 5 a.m. was a GOOD idea ????
Good morning kids
Well, I did it again today. Believe me when the clock went off at 4:45 I was in the middle of a dream and REALLY didn't want to get out of bed, but I rolled out and got my socks and sneakies on, splashed water on my face to wake me up and was out the door (oh .. for those of you who might think I forgot to dress ... on gym mornings I sleep in my leggings and tee shirt so I am ready to go ... )
I did two rounds on the total body workout circuit. I am getting better with the settings so that I pretty much got my full 45 seconds on each machine each time. I'm still working on the weight settings. I started on 10 and there's one that 10 is STILL all I can handle, but I'm up to 20-25 on most of them and 30 on a couple as well. I can definitely 'feel' it this morning.
Last night I did 35 minutes of cardio. I didn't get a bike on Monday night so last night I headed to the bike first then couldn't get a treadmill when I was done with the bike, so I just went on home.
Saturday a.m. I'll probably do 50-70 minutes of cardio and at least one round on the circuit. Next week I'm aiming for M-W-F a.m. on the circuit, but I might stick to the T-T thing and not stress myself just yet.
Well, busy day ahead, so I best get with it. Have a wonderful Thursday!
Hugs, Mo
Good morning Mo! I must give you a great big hand today for getting out in the cold and going to the gym!
I certainly would have been looking for an excuse to avoid the cold. Burrrrr! I did my awesome abs workout yesterday. Well, actually I attempted to do the workout. It was a good one. I got through most of the crunches. After about 5 minutes my neck started hurting because my abs were getting tired so I used my neck more. Then we did these things called planks. You are on your stomach and then raise your body up off the floor resting only on your forearms and toes. Well, lets just say that Robin can't hold that position for more than 10-15 seconds. That was hurting my back. I dropped to my knees several times and that still hurt. I plan to go back because I really need the workout. My back and abs need to get stronger & I think this will help. I did 20 min on the elipitical and then I did 2 sets of 12 lunges. I can really feel my glutes and hamstrings this morning. I love it!
I have my support group meeting tonight at Walter Reed. I am looking forward to it. I haven't seen the group since November. Our exercise guru will be there tonight to show us some more good moves.
I am gonna eat breakfast now. Cottage cheese with peaches. I perfer mandarin oranges but I ran out. Wish I had thought of sugar free jelly. The peaches will have to do. I rinse them off really good trying to get rid of some of the syrup, even the light stuff has lots of sugar in it.
Have a great day! Keep up with the exercise. You are doing so great and you are inspiring me to keep it up & step it up.
Hugs, Robin
Hi Robin
I really like the circuit thingy. Big Vanilla has several different 'types' of circuits and machines, but the newest one does the total body if you do all 11 machines, and there is a 'timer' and you just do as many reps as you can within the 45 second countdown. I really like the abdominal one. It's like doing crunches upright. You sit and curl downward while lifting the weight. It's sort of hard to explain but it does work. I'll be better as I get adjusted and remember what weights work on each machine because some parts of my body are able to lift more than others starting out.
There is a woman who has been there at the same time I have been these days this week and I am not sure WHAT she is doing but she makes the weights heavy and then doesn't use the machines the way I was shown and the way the pictures are, but she must be on a different program.
I've had a shake this a.m. and a South Beach bar. Now I have to get busy and NOT think about food until lunch time (or at least until 10:30, then maybe it will be time for some sunflower seeds).
Hugs, Mo