Good Monday Morning!
Hi everyone.
Well, seems a bit quiet on the boards this AM. Perhaps we are taking our time getting into things today being that it is a rainy Monday morning. I for one would rather be home in my jammies and under a blanket enjoying some hot tea/chocolate and a good book/movie.
I am fighting a cold. Should have started taking something two days ago but hopefully I'll knock this thing out soon. Work is quiet today. Jay is in San Francisco until Thursday and Chris hasn't come in yet. I am preparing an international trip for Chris. A lot of paperwork involved but I am learning lots of new things so it is interesting. He doesn't go until March so we should have enough time to get his Visa and such. He's going to India.
I am doing okay with my eating and exercise. I am going to try and keep a record of my eating for the next two weeks. I see my NUT next week and want to be able to show her how I am eating. I am finding that I am "snacking" more than I should. That's probably keeping my calories up a bit so I am losing more slowly. I have decided that on M,W & F I'll use the gym at work during my lunch and then on T & T, I'll go to curves in the evening. The girls are usually busy on those nights so I don't have to rush home to fix dinner. I consider curves a cardio workout so I am going to concentrate on strength training at the gym and do only about 20 min of cardio. I really want to keep up the exercise since I am only about 2 1/2 months from my 1 year anniv & I want to lost 25 lbs by then. I don't think I'll make it but it is a goal and one worth working towards.
Well, I had better get off of here. I am off to get some hot tea. I hope you all had a great weekend. My in-laws are here so we are enjoying time with them.
Hugs, Robin
Good morning Robin
It sure is a day to stay home in bed!!! Where did this icky weather come from after such a beautiful Saturday??? I made some progress at getting rid of stuff in the house and actually got my new bedding on the bed. I've been staring at it for a while and wanted the bedroom to be 'perfect' before I put it out, but decided that 'in process' would work so now my bed is all pretty!!!
I did a good 70 minutes of cardio at the gym on Saturday a.m. and also one round on the strength circuit. I did 35 minutes of treadmill, then the circuit, then the bike for another 35 minutes. Tonight will depend on how crowded the place is but probably all cardio and then tomorrow a.m. (gasp!!!!) I'll try to be there at 5 to do 2 rounds on the circuit then come home to get ready for work. I doubt that I will ever be coordinated enough to take all my stuff with me to get ready there and come to work. If I don't make it in the a.m. tomorrow, then I'll try to go 'late' after my nail appointment at 5 p.m. By the time I will get there, the after work crowd should have thinned out some.
I need to get a handle on the eating and weight. I know the exercise is going to help tremendously, but I REALLY need to lose at least 25 pounds and preferably a big chunk of that before I go back for my 3 year check up March 23rd. I have to stop obsessing at the scale, it's driving me NUTSO!!!! I think it should be going down and it goes up or stays still . I know that if I would stay out of the bad carbs it would help a whole lot. I know that dense foods fill me up, so I circumvent that by eating junk .. it's not nearly the quantity, but it's JUNK none the less, so I need to get off that wagon.
Busy week here. We are doing the software upgrade (FINALLY) this weekend. Unless there is a huge showstopper that rears its ugly head this week we are set to go. It's a shame to mess up a 3 day weekend, but it will be such a relief to have it done, and get on to the next project. I'm doing odds and ends of administrative stuff to keep things running and available to jump in if they need help with anything on the upgrade.
Hugs, Mo
I have that I'm getting a cold feeling in my face. I am going to drink some breathe easy tea this evening to see if it helps me feel a little less congested.
I haven't made it to work out like I wanted, but I ran at work all day. I put in about 2 miles between 10 and 3. I don't think I actually sat still for more than a few moments at a time. Up the stairs, down the stairs... putting out fires- such is the life in the computer support field.
I hope to get to exercise tomorrow. I get ready for work before I go to exercise. If I had to come home and change, I'd never make it to exercise. I guess once I get into a more vigorous routine, I'll have to figure something else to do.
I got a scale with one of my gift cards, and made Monday morning my official get ont he scale naked morning. The scale said 205 today. I am down from 214 from my last weigh in.