Naming our support group
Hi Kelly and everyone,
Again another great time at the meeting, my only problem is that one end of the table cant' talk to the other end of the table, we carry on two converstations and girl I'm to nosey I feel like I'm missing something. I like the idea of discussing vitamins next month cause I take so many and all day that I would like to know what everyone else does. I have started taking something for my hair and I'll bring that too. As for the name of the group I will give it some thought, I always call us the LOSERS to my hubby. But I always say it like Jim Carey did in that movie with the L on my forehead. We are all deffinately LOSERS and I'm so proud to be amoung this bunch of great girls. See you all soon.
Hi Margie
I agree with you about the tables. They were set up differently then we have done but thats ok. I will be there early next time to set up. As i got stuck when they closed 424 down coming off 301. I wish they had circle tables. Yes the Vitamin thing is good. I have issues in that dept. It never felt so good to be called a loser. LOL. Well have a good weekend and if you think of a name idea email me with it and we will vote on the ideas on the 5th