Back to Work!
I guess I am the early bird today. I went to bed at a decent time and now I am awake at an ungodly hour. Oh well! I am going to use it to my advantage and get out of the house early enough to go exercise this morning. I am determined to get my routine back in gear. Last month was a total wash.
I want to wish each and everyone of you a great week. Be kind to yourself.
Good morning Aime
I was awake, but no where READY to be up and at 'em this morning. I did pop out of bed when the clock went off at 5:15 so here I sit, all showered with my head wrapped in a towel waiting to be untangled! I was 'thinking' while I was in the shower that if I could just muster up the motivation, I could get out of bed at 4:45 and run to the gym a couple of mornings a week and do the weight circuit for 20 minutes and still come home and shower and be on schedule. We will see if that EVER happens
Have a wonderful week! It's a short one but those always seem like the longest.
Hugs, Mo