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Hey! Thanks! I got your message tonight AFTER the get together. I wish they had sat us at one long table so we could have mingled a bit more. I didn't get to chat much with anyone, but I did get to meet Sue and Traci for the first time
I meant to tell you that I love your hair like that! Did you color it too? I need to refresh my color and want to go with a color closer to yours. Something more deep and wine looking. I also need a trim so that might help too.

Hi Heather you look great! Thank you so much for sharing!
By the way I was reading your profile and I read that when you was getting your last fill the nurse pract poked you 5 times? Yikes!! I know you have a port but is it covered by your skin? Does it hurt to get poked everytime you go for a fill?
I am glad you are doing great and I am sorry for all the questions.
Hey Cira. Yeah, she poked me 5 times UGH! It doesn't really even hurt or anything it was more annoying than anything. The surgeon stuck me once on my first fill and got it done (the nurse pract. had a hard time the first time and I had to come back for the surgeon to do it). So this time I made an appt for him but he was OUT SICK so I knew she'd end up having a hard time again. She's gotten my husband on the first stick for both of his fills.
Yes, my port is under the skin. I have 5 incisions. 4 tiny ones and one about 2 inches long where my port is. You can feel it under the skin.
Well that's good, nothing serious. I forgot to let Ms. Tia know I was with 'her' little girl on Friday. LOL She'd have my head! Kylie just loved her to pieces! And vice versa! LOL Very good for a self-taken picture. I know I know I need to put one up but we are talking to the computer photo-adding illiterate here! I'm good with other stuff but can't for the life of me figure out how to get my own avatar up. Must be a blonde thing! LOL

I swear we need name tags for the new people joining the get togethers (like me!). Thanks for the complement on the "do", but it really needs to be trimmed so I of course feel like it's "ew-key"! hehehe I know your name, but not sure what you look like. Where were you sitting yesterday? (geez, I feel horrible even asking that!)