Another Officer Shot!!!!
What the heck is wrong with people???? Apparently, the Superfresh at Belair/Joppa Roads was robbed this morning, a Baltimore County Officer was shot and is in surgery and critical, but stable condition. One assailant is dead, and the other's in custody - thank goodness!!!
All this activity caused schools in the area to be on lockdown, and since Essex Elementary was supposed to sing with some White Marsh schools, the concert was canceled. K will be soooo disappointed. Me, too, for her!
So add some prayers for this officer, too!!!! I would NEVER want their jobs!!!
My husband is a Deputy Sheriff in Harford County, so this really hits home. The officer that died in Harford County a couple weeks ago was an aquaintence of my husband's too. I also live right down the street from the Superfresh. I don't understand what people are thinking. I guess they aren't. It's hard being an officer and it's hard being an officer's wife. Just pray for these men and women, they are the one's keeping our community safe.