Good Tuesday Morning
Good Morning Everybody!
How is everyone? I know Tia is bummed out (rightly so). I just thought I'd go ahead and post and keep a sense of normalcy. How are the fluids, supplements, protein and exercise? I'm doing good on all except the exercise. I will get back to the gym, I just need to make it a priority again. At this time of year, that's hard.
I took yesterday off and finished the Christmas Cookies I needed to get done for Saturday's Live Nativity at church. I also went Christmas Shopping and I am happy to report that I need to get just one more gift. I know what I'm buying, just need to go get it (it was at a different mall than the one I went to yesterday). I also need to get some stocking stuffers.
I also want to report that Oatmeal Raisin cookies are evil...pure evil I tell you...I ate 3 of them last night! Not all at once, but over the course of 3 hours. I'm not even getting on the scale. Actually I'll weigh myself on Friday like I always do. Hopefully I'm still doing enough right that the effects of eating those cookies aren't going to have done me harm.
So what's up in your world? Anything exciting? I know it's a busy time of year for everybody. We have my office Christmas Luncheon today, so I'll only be working until 11:30ish and then I'm outta here!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Take Care,
Hey -
I'm not sure what qualifies as normal anymore, particularly at this time of year, but I thought I'd give everyone a chuckle:
The other day, Brian tells me that a little boy in his class has been in the hospital. When I asked what was wrong, he says, "He has lamonia!" OMG! I thought Kaity was going to pee her pants in the backseat with him, and Mom & I stared straight ahead, trying not to let him see us cracking up!! Poor little thing! Boy, was he peeved at Kaity for laughing at him!
So, in that spirit, I thought I'd share some KB-isms with you:
Diaker bag - Diaper bag (We're so bad, we made her repeat it about 5 times!!!)
Pinuter - Computer
Gift tertificate - Gift certificate
Melmo - Elmo
Tita - Tia
Baboo - Grandma
Lamonia - Pneumonia
Lellow - Yellow
So, as you can see, Kaity has NO room to laugh!
Happy day!
My kids also had their names for things. My eldest had a stroke when he was 18 mos old that affected his language centers primarily. His own language was a trip. Luckily, his younger brother (and Mom) could intrpret for him.
blalalala - banana
gunk gunk- milk
bebe - bread
fruck- truck
lellow- also yellow (his favorite color)
piscitti- spaghetti ( says it like that to this day and he will be 21 Feb 1)
He also used many of the words his brother invented.
What made both of them a treasure was that they also used sign to go along with the words.
Got to love 'em.