Wow! It's Thursday ???
Good morning gang
I get so disoriented that I have trouble telling what day of the week it is some times
, but I do believe we have made it to Thursday!!!!
I went to Big Vanilla last night on my way home and did 20 minutes on the treadmill and another 20 minutes on the stationary bike. Small steps, but at least in the right direction. I didn't bring my stuff with me this morning because originally we had plans for tonight so working out wasn't on the schedule. Our plans have changed for tonight, so I may go home and change and go back out, but I'd also like to see Mr Mo at least for a few minutes because he's not been feeling well AND had early mornings so he's not been up when I've gotten home in the evenings.
My goal for the gym is to stop 2 to 3 nights per week on the way home from work for about 40-50 minutes and then Saturday or Sunday for maybe an hour to an hour and a half. Some weeks it may be more, some less, but this is the baseline goal. I don't want to make an unrealistic plan that revolves around working out to the exclusion of the rest of my life.
Still working on the big project that is due for work. I did actually put a lot of it together yesterday. I have to integrate input from about 10 different sources into one document. It seemed like a MUCH easier idea before I started working on it. Of course, leaving it to the last minute hasn't helped any either.
but I did have other things going on.
Ok, coffee is ready, time to get with it. Have a wonderful Thursday.
Hugs, Mo

Hi Mo!! It must really be a slow day on the boards considering I'm your first response and it's already early afternoon. Glad to hear that all is going good. I'm so proud and envious of you for joining the gym. Your plan of attack sounds workable. My options are to wait for a more local gym to open, or just bite the bullet and travel approx. 25 minutes to the nearest one. After the holidays, I'll concentrate on the decision some more. My hubby is under the weather right now too. He's has that chest cold that's been going around. Hasn't slept with me for 4 nights now. He just can't lay down or else he coughs unbelievably. He's been sleeping in the recliner, and that seems to help. I'm on my break right now, so going to lay down to mentally re-coop! Did not get to sleep last night until midnight. Ate chicken, and this was one of the times that it did not sit well. I felt like crap!!! Chicken is really weird - not sure when it's going down right or when it's going to wreck havoc. Take it easy and don't let work stress you out.
Hey Traci
I had the opportunity a while ago for a 'free' membership for SportFit in Bowie. I didn't take up on the offer because I knew it was unlikely that I would be driving 20-25 minutes to go to Bowie to work out. The good thing about BV is that it is not that far from the house (a couple of miles) and while I don't normally drive by there on the way home, it's not way out of the way on the way home.
Hope you feel better. Dang chicken is totally unpredictable. I never know what is going to happen when I have chicken either!
Hugs, Mo

Hi Mo. Just checking in for a minute. I have been a tad busy. Not a lot of time to check the boards. Sounds like you are on a roll with the gym! 2-3 nights a week will make a huge difference. I am still struggling to in the mornings and just can't seem to get out of bed until the last minute to get ready for work. But I did get in a 2 mile walk yesterday and I am getting ready to go up stairs for the gym today. (as soon as my co-worker gets back from lunch.) I'll likely do a bit on the eliptical and then some weights. I really need to work on these thighs and hips. Gotta lose the inches. LOL
I hope Mr. Mo feels better soon. My hubby has been gone for the past two nights. He'll be home late tonight. I am usually the first one of us to drop in the bed at night. 9:00 pm hits and I am ready, although I don't usually get there until well after 10:00.
Hugs, Robin