Westminster Nov 13 " The Truth About Weight Loss" Seminar
You may want to explain in further detail. Really not sure how to put this, so I will be frank. WLS patients are viewed differently by those who are not and WLS has received such a bad publicity. Those of us who have done our reasearch and have had the proceedure done for obvious health reasons seem to always be on the defense. Defending a life saving proceedure that works for us and being looked down upon by others who just think we should have shut our mouths and stop eating. Help me understand how this seminar would be benefical to pre/post op WLS persons.
I've had several questions about this seminar. The seminar is directed to those people who may be interested in a surgical weight loss procedure. The content will include some information on aspects of medical weight loss, but the majority of the presentation will explain gastric bypass and banding procedures as well as the nutritional aspects of surgical weight loss. I hope this clears up your questions. Please email me if you need an further information. No RSVP is necessary.