Good Morning Everybody!
Good Morning Everybody!
How is everyone this crisp fall morning? Anybody else having trouble getting out of bed besides me? I love this time of year, but hate the lack of light - it takes me a few weeks to get adjusted. Please forgive me, but I'm gonna whine a bit...
I wanted to be in here alot earlier because I'm working to make up time from last week and I didn't get home until late last night and I didn't get to to go the gym and I was going to go tonight. Well...after a lovely commute, I didn't get in here until 8am so I won't get out of here until at least 10pm tonight. So this little paragraph sums up my exercise work lately - zippo! I haven't been since last Monday between not feeling good in the middle of last week and going away this past weekend. Well, maybe I'll get there tomorrow night. I just have to get my butt out of bed. It's just hard after not getting home until late at night and having to get right back up again to get in here at like 3am or 4am. I just have to tell myself as I'm laying in bed "I think I can, I think I can....hehe"
Eating/supplement/protein/fluid, I'm doing A-OK. The darn scale still isn't moving...doesn't make sense to me. I'm eating no more than approximately 1,500 calories per day and according to my calculations, my resting metabolic rate is like 1,600-1, why aren't I losing weight???? That doesn't even take into account the fact that I'm up and down at work all day (going back and forth to the printer), I take the steps and I work out at the what gives? I just want to lose another 15-20lbs and then I'll let plastic surgery take care of the rest. I'm also frustrated because of this "spare tire" and panni...I'm slightly too big for some (most) regular sized clothes yet kind of too small for the smallest plus size items.
Okay...I'm through whining for now...hehe. So what's up in your world? How goes the exericse? eating? protein? supplements? fluids?
Guess I better put my nose to the grindstone here, I have a boatload of work to get done. I'll try to check in again.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Hello all...see, told ya I would be back! tee hee hee
Going well in my world...I have a 4 hour management meeting today, so that just means that I will catch up on the sleep I have been missing! I have so much energy these days that I just don't know what to do with myself. I am sleeping about 4 hours a night and running around like a chicken with my head cut off all day...I usually don't wake up till noon, so I guess I can nap during the meeting...LOL!
Not much else going on...1500 calories, sheesh...I am lucky if I get 750 in right now. I have NO desire to eat, and when I do, I eat so little. But from what I understand, that is normal for awhile. Doing well on fluids...just realized that I hadn't heard about my bloodwork results, so I called....everything was perfect! Doing well with vitamins. Drinking the Isopures to get my protein in. In the department of exercise...errrr, well been too busy...I'm surprised the gym hasn't put out a search warrent for me! I plan on getting back to it, just not this week.
Well, enough of my to everyone soon!

Hey girl -
Trouble getting out of bed? Me? No way!! Right. I do LOVE this time of year!!! I don't know if it's the less fat me or not, but I think it's mighty cold out there. Naked mailman weather! Gary said yesterday he felt like spinning around in circles a la Julie Andrews!!! What a sight that would've been!
Whine away, that's what we're here for. Although I can't offer more than a sympathetic ear. I know you're doing everything right, and IMHO, you have every right to be frustrated, but as you and I have said before, look where you were pre-op. Does anyone at the gym have any words of wisdom? I wish I could help you, but my old demons have crept back into my life, and I need to kick my own butt, too! Just keep doing what you know is right - I know you're committed to this for the long haul. Remember when....and maybe that will help keep things somewhat in perspective.
The clothing issue is frustrating over all - my sizes vary from store to store, and within each store, from brand to brand. It's funny, because at my highest weight, I just bought the biggest size at Catherine's or LB Catalog, and I knew it would fit. Not any more! I hate to try clothes on, but it seems to be a necessary evil. That's not to say I would ever want to go back to my old size! No weigh!!! In fact, other than to see a particular sales person, I haven't been to Catherine's to shop since wls. It just really ****** me off that plus-size clothing is sooooo expensive!!! So it's Penney's or Wally World for me now. So I feel your clothing pain!
Hang in there - make sure you're getting enough sleep, too - you don't need to get sick again!
Oh I hear ya on the cold part...I think it's because there's less insulation! LOL...I would love to see Gary spinning...does he carry an umbrella and wear granny boots with heels? hehehe.
I agree with you 100% that when I look at where I came from I'm at a much better place. It's just kind of frustrating to get this close and then still have this. I'm seriously thinking about trying to have the panni done before the end of the year. I know I said I wasn't going to...but I hate being in between sizes. I hear you about going to Catherines, LB (insert name of Fat Lady Shop) and just buying the biggest size. I always wanted everything so lose so that it wouldn't cling to the fat rolls. I wasn't fooling myself into thinking that it was hiding the fact that I was fat...just wanted to not look like a stuffed sausage. Yes, trying clothes on these days is a must...kinda slows ya down
I've been doing most of my shopping at wally world or dress barn/dress barn woman. Speaking of clothes, I have a coat for you...barely worn (maybe 3 times). It's not real heavyweight, but I'm sure you could wear it with a sweater or some other layered clothing underneath. I'll bring it next Tuesday and if you want it you're welcome to it. I also have a pair of jeans. I'm not sure if you want them or not either. Let me know.

Yes, ma'am, I'll take the clothes - thankyouverymuch!!!
Not trying to influence you, but I personally think you should wait until after the first of the year for the panni. I'm positive McMom's surgery is going to be fine, but I know you'll want to give 100 percent of yourself to her, and you'll want to be in tip-top shape to help her. Also, if you should expend yourself too much, you won't be in tip-top shape for your surgery, and that won't do anyone any good. Isn't it better to be in between a 16 and a 20 then a 30 and a 32??? All in good time honey!!! Just take everything into consideration and think carefully - I know you will.
Yep, I never could understand the women who dress like sausages about to burst their casings!! First of all, it looks like hell, and secondly, you know it can't be comfortable. But I'm amazed at the women of various ages who dress like that. And some men seem to find it attractive! ICK!
Thanks for the offer of the sweet potato cornbread, but maybe we'll do a dinner sometime and you can make it. I HAVE to make regular cornbread or I'll never hear the end of it! Tradition, you know!!! So, no, do NOT bring anything other than you and McMom if you want. It's nice to be waited on sometimes, so just get your skinnier butt there, and stop feeling like you have to bring something!
Okay, gotta work some now.
Yes, it is a chilly morning. Yikes, not supposed to get warmer than the low 50's today. I really must get some more sweaters to wear.
Terry, I wouldn't worry too much about the exercise. You will get back to it when you can. I am worried about all those long hours you are putting in.
Man, that is a tough schedule to keep! Make sure you continue to keep up with your water, protein and suppliments/vitamins so you don't run yourself down. Maybe you should go ahead with the panni surgery. That could be a great motivator to get the last 15-20 off, kind of in reverse.
I am well. I was very tired yesterday. So much so that I overslept today. I don't even remember turning the alarm off. I usually get up at 5:00 but today my hubby came and woke me at 6:11. The alarm was set right, I just turned it off! I guess I needed the rest. Stephanie has her last follow-up today from her surgery. She has a bit of a nasty scar so I am going to ask for a presecription for Mederma to help minimize the scaring. She isn't happy about the scar but hopefully the mederma will do what they claim it can do.
I plan to go to curves tonight and get my strength training done too. (since I missed this morning.) Doing well with my protein lately. I am eating yogurt every day with 1/2 scoop of protein powder and then I eat twice at work concentrating on protein and then I eat dinner. So not too bad. I have to really be diligent with it because I want to make sure I don't get sick and I want to develop good habits. Water is still lacking but improving.
Well, have a great Tuesday everyone.
Hugs, Robin