Taking Meat tenderizer to get meat unstuck??
I recently heard that taking meat tenderizer(powder/granules?) by mouth when you feel meats stuck in your throat or pouch will help soften it up and help it pass. This sounded like a really strange suggestion unless of course one uses the meat tenderizer before cooking the meat.
Has anyone heard of this? iI believe it was mentioned by someone at the last DVR support group and it was supposedly presented as an FYI in one of the more recent pre-op classes by the instructor...
Yes I have heard of it. I've never done it, but from what I understand the meat tenderizer breaks down the fibers of the meat, allowing it to pass through the stoma. I think you just take it, you don't put it on the meat prior to cooking (although I can't see where that would hurt).
What I did purchase and keep on hand for when some things occasionally get "stuck" is papaya enzyme. They're chewable pineapple/papaya flavored tabs.
When I was newly post-op I had many more instances of food getting caught due to me either eating too fast or not chewing enough (maybe the same thing..hehe).
Take Care,
Hi Karen -
Yep, I've heard of this, too. I think you're supposed to dissolve the meat tenderizer in warm warm and drink it (ick)! I've also heard of the papaya enzyme that Terry mentioned, think you can get it at GNC?
Fortunately, I've not had any instances of stuck food since December - thank goodness! That pain was so intense I was praying to die until I could throw it up or it passed!