Good Tuesday Morning Everybody :-)

(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 5:03 am - Middle River, MD
BTW, the dog thing won't work, because poor Molly the Beagle is chubby, and the first time somebody called her "fat," I'd have to slug them!!! Don't mess with my Molly Ann!!! Secondly, as far as the babies - I don't know nothing 'bout birthin' no babies!!!! NOR DO I WANT TO!!! Somehow, I suspect that the Moms could get into more trouble than us if we let them!!! Te
on 9/25/06 11:32 pm - Hanover, MD
Good morning Tia!! I LOVE your rant on the traffic and feel exaclty the same!! What roads do you travel? Sounds like the Washington Beltway!! I'm driving the BW Parkway, Harbor Tunnel (895) and 695! They are the same way!! Especially on 895 where the speed limit is 50 and everyone speeds like demons until they see the flashing lights then slow down to 45!! I am a football fan, but agree totally with you on how the money is spent in NO. It's crazy to spend 1.8M on rebuilding a stadium when only a small percentage of residents are living there and they could put that money to so much more use!!! I'm sorry you don't have men falling all over you and I don't have a clue where to meet them! Luckily I'm happily married and have been with my guy for almost 17 years! I wouldn't know where to start if I had to be out there trying to meet someone! I can say that my brother met his wife over the internet in Hungary! He moved there for about two years and they moved back to the States after they go married and now have a two year old little girl!! So it does work, sometimes! Ok, time to get to work. Chat with you later. Yvette
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 11:39 pm - Middle River, MD
Hey Yvette - Grrrr!!! 695 through Towson!!! I used to drive 695 to 95 to 895, not a fun drive! Most mornings, I kind of get into a zone and it doesn't bother me, but sometime!!!!!! Thanks for humoring me by reading my rants!!!!! And for sympathizing about men, or lack thereof - I don't see myself moving anywhere, but thanks for the thought. I don't even want kids, since I rent my brother's two!! I love them like they're my own, but I often joke that they're birth control in sneakers. Have a wonderful day!!!! Tia
on 9/25/06 11:57 pm - Hanover, MD
I understand about the kids being birth control in sneakers!! I sometimes ask hopeful parents if they want to watch my youngest (5) for a few hours and see how they feel about having kids after that!! He is Trouble!! I, of course, wouldn't change him a little big (well, maybe he could listen better!) for he is adorable and sweet! I also have an 8 year old who is just awesome! He starts violin lessons today and they both take karate.... Yvette
on 9/25/06 11:32 pm - Columbia, MD
Good morning everyone! Well, got the day off to another running start. I had a meeting to set up for so had to be here a little earlier. The ride in to work was good today, probably since I left 15 min earlier than usual. I had to take Stephanie's meds to the school so the nurse can give them to her throughout the day. She only needs one dose of meds during the school day. You would have thought I was asking them to dope her up all day they way they reacted. But we got it all figured out. At first they weren't gonna let me leave the meds because the nurse was not in. I explained that I really had to get to a meeting in Baltimore and thankfully they were in a helpful mood today. This is not usually the case around that school. I typically stand for nearly 5 minutes at someones desk just waiting for them to even acknowledge my presense; then it's another 5 min before I get an offer of help. That is one place where they do only the minimum effort necessary to complete a given task. Heaven forbid you ask someone to do something that is not SPECIFICALLY in their job description. So that's my rant for the day! I am just grateful that I got someone who was in the mood to be helpful this morning. Terry, that body fat% loss is great! Just picture all the inches you are losing! Your commitment will pay off! The crabcakes sound yummy. Wow, you are going to have a busy October! Sounds like you will be having a lot of fun. My scale hasn't budged in two weeks. I think it's because I have not been eating right. I am probably only getting about 700 calories a day and the majority of them are not from protein. I really need to get back on track. I am exercising and drinking. Gotta get all my ducks in a row again. Mo, I sure wish I were going on vacation. I won't be having one of those for months to come. I have 4 days that I can take before the end of the year, if I want. I can save them for next year too. I'll probably use them around the holidays. Tia, I just don't know where all the men are! I wish I did. I have told my husband that if anything ever happened to him I would spend the rest of my days alone because I just don't think I could do the whole dating thing, especially in this day and age. Hey, just a thought, you could start going to sports games. There are bound to be guys around there. I think that people who won't date someone just because of their size, esp when they are not themselves a small size, are just plain stupid. Yep, I said stupid. (shhh don't tell my kids I said that. LOL) Talk about shallow people! I have had people not even talk to me because I am overweight. I have not been hired for jobs because of my weight. It's very frustrating. I mean, I think I am a nice person and fun to be with. So why not give me a chance. I work hard at teaching my children that they are beautiful inside and out. That they are deserving of love and friendships. I also stress that they should never judge someone by their appearance. Yet others just don't get that I guess. Am I making any sense here? Sorry if I sound like I am babbling. It has got to be frustrating in the dating world. The guys are really missing out by not knowing you and Terry. Y'all are wonderful women, beautiful, funny, caring...they are really missing out! Yvette, I hope that everything goes well with your pre-op appt and upcoming diet. It's not easy but it'll be so worth it. I enjoy swimming too. I should be a treat to get to swim in the fall/winter months. Well, I had better get back to work. I want to make sure I have crossed all the T's and dotted all the I's. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Robin
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 11:56 pm - Middle River, MD
Morning Robin - Nothing worse than not getting acknowledged when you're standing in front of someone, is there? That used to happen a lot when either of my parents had to go to the hospital, particularly the ER - it seems like the staff was very good at NOT seeing me. Hard to imagine NOT seeing a 300 pound woman!!! After a while, I got fed up and would SLAM! my hand down on the counter!!! I didn't like doing it, but after a while, it became sport!!!!! You can understand somewhat the school's policy on meds, but sometimes, I think they take things to the extreme. Fortunately, KB go to a wonderful school, with an equally wonderful staff. But we'll see how it is next year when K's in middle school. Since KB both have asthma and sometimes require treatments, my brother had to fill out a BOATLOAD of paperwork before the school year started and also have the doc fill some out. A pain, but I guess, a necessary pain. Yeah, the sports games are a thought - except I'm really not into sports!! Do K's softball games count? Her coach is a HOTTIE, but unfortunately, his wife thinks so, too!!!! For a long time, I hid behind my fat and it didn't bother me, and while I don't want kids, it's that whole rent-to-own thing with KB, I have no objections to dating/marrying someone who has children. Just don't be asking me to pop any out!!! I do believe that for a long time, I've been alone because God wanted me to take care of KB. I don't regret that for a minute, but I would like to be with someone. Oh, well, thanks for the words of encouragement, my day will come!!! Glad Stephanie's well enough to go to school. Hope she's healing well! Thanks again, Smoochies, Tia
on 9/25/06 11:41 pm - Joppatown, MD
Hi all! I have been MIA for awhile, I busy with work that it is rediculous! Thursday and Friday of last week we had to get supplies ready for the Virgin Festival at Pimlico (my company provides all first aid and medical care for all events at Pimlico). Then Saturday, I worked the darned V-Fest. 18 hours of walking around Pimlico picking up drunks...but it sure was funny! Everyone behaved for the main part, there were no fights and only one episode of body surfing. I was surprised about how many people brought their young children (even infants) to the event. All in all, it wasn't a bad day at least I got to watch the concerts (The Killers, The Who, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers). Finally collapsed into bed at 330am. Sunday, my firehouse did the annual 9-11 Tribute Harley Ride around the beltway. So, up at 8am to do that. It was fun though. This is the 5th one that they have had...and the 5th one I have participated in. I stayed at the firehouse till 8pm, than back home to do bed at 1130p. Back up at 430a...(See something here, NO SLEEP)!!! I worked 12 hours yesterday cleaning and restocking the units that we took to the V-Fest and than my daily duties. Today is looking much better, I must say. I slept 11 hours last night thanks to Roxicet! I am a little busy, but is managable. Hope everyone has a great day...I will read everyone's posts sometime, just figured I would let you all know I was alive still
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 12:10 am - Middle River, MD
Well, hello! I was wondering about you, but figured, and rightly so, that you were busy at work! Picking up drunks, hmm? Don't really think that'll work for Terry or me!!! But it's a thought should we get desperate!!!! Wow, I'm tired just listening to your schedule - I'm just glad for your sake that it hasn't been toooo hot!!! Are you going to the support group meeting tomorrow night at 6? I know, I know - you gotta work!!! That's okay, I'll keep you updated!!! Be careful out there! Tia
on 9/26/06 12:25 am - Joppatown, MD
Actually, it is on my schedule and as long as everything runs smoothly tomorrow, I WILL BE THERE!!! Hope to see ya tomorrow! Leslie
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/06 12:34 am - Middle River, MD
Cool!!!! We can go out afterward to Friendly's for Jim Dandys!!!! JUST KIDDING! Faye, my first DVR friend, who has done amazing and who has the most gorgeous baby girl (banana), will be there. You'll love her, too!! See you there!! Tia
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