Good Monday Morning Everybody!

on 9/24/06 9:21 pm - Losinsum, MD
Good Morning Everybody! How is everyone this morning? I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good. I spent Friday spending money like a drunken sailor (shoes, purses, jewelry and makeup need I say more?...hehehe). Actually the trip was not as frivolous as I just made it sound. I also got started on Christmas shopping. I like to start getting stocking stuffer type stuff now rather than waiting until the last minute. No Tia, I didn't find that man to fit in your stocking yet! hehe Saturday morning I joined Tia and her adorable niece and nephew (the infamous Katie and Brian) for bowling. They kicked my butt!! I hadn't been duckpin bowling in about 25 years. It was fun Then we went to the Halloween Store and lunch at Red Lobster and the Farmer's Market...until Terry's lunch decided to hit bottom...I know, I know...TMI. The only thing I can think of is that the fried food did not agree with Mr. Pouchie. Yesterday Morning, I worked out (after being a slug the prior two days-unless you count the bowling) and then we had my extended family over for dinner to celebrate my Aunt's 80th Birthday. I made stuffed pork chops, corn, string beans and mashed taters. For dessert I made a 3 Layer Strawberry Shortcake (12 inch round, 7-8 inches high) was pretty good. I can't believe I ate an entire (small) piece! After dinner, I worked out on the elliptical trainer for 40 minutes (I can't believe I did 3 miles in 40 minutes). I figured after that piece of cake I had to do something! I really enjoy having family and or friends over for dinner. I love to cook and I'm with for loved ones is showing them love. So tonight I have another session with my personal trainer (#3 of 6). For dinner tonight I'm having baked pasta with mozzarella/provolone and ricotta cheese. It'll be very cheesy and I won't be eating much pasta I made vodka sauce/pasta on Friday night (Rachel Ray's "You Won't be Single for Long Vodka Pasta"). I cooked up some italian sausage so that it would have more protein in it. Mom and I both agreed that it was okay, but that it needed something. So that's why I decided to bake it with the cheese. Hopefully it'll be good. All I need to do is pop it in the oven after working out - prior to heading to yet another meeting up at church I'm very active at church and I've been held a very responsible, time intensive position for 11 years. Church has been my life (social life anyway). After December I'm stepping down. Having WLS and making "me" a priority was the first step in this journey. I decided that although I'm still going to be active in church, if I never changed anything in my personal life, I would never get what I wanted (marriage and family). Course I haven't met any candidates for marriage/family yet...but I'm looking Well, the sun is up and I better get cracking here. Have a Wonderful Day! Take Care, Terry
(deactivated member)
on 9/24/06 9:51 pm - Middle River, MD
Morning T! Only us women would consider the things you bought frivolous! I, like you, consider them physical and mental necessities. I've been on the drunken sailor binge myself lately, but tell myself that I NEED clothes, shoes, purses, makeup!!! The only one of those things I consider a luxury is lipstick, nail polish, etc., but buying a new tube of something just does something for me!! We sooo enjoyed having you with us on Saturday - Kaity said, "Tia, Miss Terry's hair is like yours, but a different color, and you're kind of "shaped" the same way, too!!" Gotta love her honesty!!! Actually, T., you and B tied, but K did kick both your butts!!! After we dropped you off, we went to the grocery store so I could kick a bunch of stuff for them on Sunday. I made shrimp fried rice, bbq, white chicken chili, and a couple other odds and ends. That should keep them for the week! I also made a pot roast with veggies for us, but the pot roast, even after roasting in a bag, was tough, so we put it in the crockpot, where, by the time it tenderizes, it'll have shrunk to the size of a burger! Oh, well, I can't eat that much anyway! Glad you had a nice dinner with the family - 80 is something to definitely be celebrated! The stuffed pork chops sound yummy - although pork is not my friend!!! Mom is STILL sick with her asthma - she's going back to the dr., today, and we're still planning on joining you & Mom on Tuesday. If Mom can't make it for some reason, I'll be there. I know how much you give of yourself to your church, and yes, it's time for Terry!! I agree, you still need to have it be part of your life, but it doesn't have to be your entire life. Time for us to find some mates, mate!!!! Hope everyone has a great week! Mine is a four day'r, I'm off Friday, imagine that! Take care, Tia
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 12:22 am - Crofton, MD
Good Morning Terry- I have to say i was a couch potato all weekend. I have had this nasty sinus infection all week and it just brought me down this weekend. But I did manage to go to my water arobics class sat morning. I had to get some excercise in. That strawberry shortcake sounds good. I am almost 3 months out and have been craving some baked goods. Mostley cake's. Would you mind emailing me that recipe. My email is [email protected]. I would greatly appriciate it. Well hope you have a great week. Take care Kelly
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 1:45 am - Middle River, MD
Hey Kelly - I just looked at your profile - you look amazing!!!! Sinus infections are the pits!!! I had chronic infections, ones that would completely obliterate my sense of taste/smell - didn't keep me from eating, though! I had sinus surgery on 8/2/04, exactly 1 year prior to my wls, and knock on wood - no more problems! Hope it clears up for you soon! I'm sure Terry will help you out with the recipe, but I don't think it is s/f. If you want some good sugar free recipes, try, they have some great ones! Take care, Tia
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 2:11 am - Crofton, MD
Hi Teresa- Yeah I have never had a sinus infection before I usually just get upper respritory infections but I quit smoking four months ago so I think that is why i got those so now I guess they will be sinus infections. But yeah it has curbed my appitite. But I try to make sure I eat so I dont mess with my stomach to make it think were not eating anymore. I will check that website out I was on there once but just breezd threw it but I am really craving some baking. Or I think just the actual baking something for my husband that i too could enjoy a sliver of. I bake for him everyonce in a while and havnt in a long time. He deserves it. LOL. Well thanks again and thatnk you for the compliment. It makes you feel good when someone says that about you. Take care Kelly
on 9/25/06 1:57 am - Losinsum, MD
Hi Kelly, Tia is right, the recipe is not sugar free, but I'd be happy to pass it along if you still want it. Let me know Take Care, Terry
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 2:12 am - Crofton, MD
Thanks Terry- I'm gonna check out the splenda website. Take care kelly
on 9/25/06 12:53 am - Lusby, MD
Hello everyone! Sounds like you first two had a busy weekend. Kelly, you need the rest and it sounds like that's just what you did. I volunteered my time to drive my daughters ROTC unit to a drill meet on Saturday. Patuxent High kicked some serious butt!! We were #1 in all events (except the Australian Trolley and tug-of-war) and were #1 overall. Very good for the group - helped keep esteem high and moral was definitely up there. Took son out shopping Saturday evening with hubby. Nice time. Sunday was church and then poking around the house doing things that I never quite get to. Very nice weekend, and Sunday's weather was beautiful! Terry and Tia, I'm going to keep my eyes and ears open for mates for you two. I'll let you know if anything promising comes up. Take care everyone! TraciL
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/06 1:48 am - Middle River, MD
Hi Traci - Yup, my weekends always seem to be busy. I hate coming back to work exhausted - all the days just seem to blend!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend - that's great about your daughter's ROTC unit - congrats to them!!! Thanks for being on the mate-lookout - we can use all the help we can get since neither of us are barflies!!!!! Take care, Tia
on 9/25/06 2:01 am - Losinsum, MD
Hi Traci, Sounds like you had a busy weekend yourself. Yep, being busy is not a bad thing, but it would be nice to have a weekend/week without deadlines or something. Oh well, I guess it's human nature to put that on ourselves (to a point). Hey, I appreciate you being on the lookout - I need all the help I can get (especially since Tia's brother think's I live in Siberia or something...hehehe)! Take Care, Terry
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