Home, but nauseated (3rd day out)
Hi all,
I am pretty nauseated and I'm afraid to drink too much at one time. I have threw up once and feel like I am going to at any moment now. I have been sipping on my fruit juices diluted with water.... I'm afriad to take the pain meds in fear that it will make me throw up... I also just found out that I probably have diabeties, and this no eating thing probably not helping any. I'm afraid this might be TMI, but I had black stool just a few minutes ago. Is that normal? I haven't eaten anything at all.
Thanks Much for and advice,
Hi Debbie!
Welcome home. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. If you are having problems you are concerned with you really need to contact your doctor and find out if you need medical attention. Each of our experiences are different and each doctor has different protocols for his patients. I believe that dehydration can cause nausea. If you are not getting your fluids in that could be the problem. Please, please, please call your doctor!
Hugs, Mo
Debbie -
Ditto to everything Mo said! The only thing I have to add is that your body has undergone major trauma, at least to it, anyway, and it's probably saying WTH?!!!
But, again, call your doc. It's sooooo important to be able to get at least your fluids in - I'm kind of wondering if your diluted fruit juice may not be agreeing with you - maybe it still has too much sugar?
Anyway, since there's no M.D. behind my name, all I can offer is a sympathetic ear and good wishes!
Keep us updated,
Hi Debbie.
Welcome to the losing side. I understand the nausea. Had it so very much in the beginning and still get that feeling a lot. However, I do have a vrey sensitive stomach so I am not typical. Just like Mo & Tia said, if you are worried contact your surgeon. Do your best to get the water and liquids in. It will make a huge difference. I got dehydrated in and had to go back in the hosp. at 7 days out for dehydration and pancreatitis (sp). Drink, drink, drink. It is so important. I crushed up my pain meds and put them into a spoonful of applesauce (unsweetened of course) or a bit of thin cream of wheat. Very nasty but helped a lot. Hang in there darlin. You will feel better soon. Your body needs to adjust to a lot.
Hugs and prayers, Robin
Debbie - I am so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I didn't have the nausea until about the 12th day out, but the doctor gave me meds for my nausea, and it has slowly gotten much better. I still take the meds about once per day, but I, too, have a sensitive stomach so that's probably why.
In my case I stopped taking some of my regular medicines because of my stomach, and when I started taking them again, my stomach seemed to do better. Also, vitamin B6 is supposed to be good for nausea (dr started me on this), so perhaps that will help. Whatever you do, however, talk to the doctor first!
I hope this passes soon. Do your best to get your liquids and foods in, and hang in there - it will get better! Hope to see you at the Pasadena support group if we get the info. Take care.