Help w/ Hair Loss
Hi. I'm 8 months out, 105 pounds down and a lot of hair loss going on. Its been going on for about 5 months now and it seems to not want to slow down. I tried Nioxin shampoo's, Biotin and nothing. The top of my hair is very very thin and it is starting to really depress me. I told myself this wasn't going to bother me because its either hair gone, or weight gone. Has anyone else suffered this loss and if so, what did you do to stop it from falling out. I was going to try some Rogain, but I heard bad things about that as well.
if ya can!!!!!

Howdy... Thanks for the advice. My sister too is a hairdresser and told me that when you use Rogain and then stop, your new hair that Rogain helped grow will fall out.
I used Nioxin for a little over 3 months. I used it faithfully as well as the spray. It didn't ease any of the hair loss so instead of buying more, we switched to hair strenghtener. I can't remember who makes it but its one of those popular hair places shampoo's.
Thanks and i'll let ya know what happens.
Hi Theresa,
I had thinning hair prior to WLS. I got home from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and on Monday morning when I went to wash my hair, I could feel it clinging to my fingers as it came out of my scalp. I think I'm very sensitive when it comes to anesthesia (as something similar had happened to me with earlier surgeries).
I had always heard that one way to help keep the hair loss to a minimum was to make sure you got all your protein in. From day one, I have been fanatical about getting all my protein in. The hair loss still picked up speed around month 3 and lasted pretty much until month 8-9. When I went for my 6 month checkup the nurse coordinator noticed the hairloss right away. She said that it's at its worst between 3-9 months. I'm happy to say that after 13 months, my hair is no thinner than it was prior to WLS.
I don't know if it helps, but I do take 5,000 mg of biotin 2 x's a day. I didn't bother with Nioxin because it didn't do anything for me prior to surgery. One line of products that I have noticed that does what it says it is going to do is the "Plump n Thick Line" by Nick Chavez. I get it on QVC. I got the 5 piece set (shampoo, mist, leave in gel, leave in cream and hairspray). This stuff really does make what hair you have thicker.
Anyway, just make sure you're getting your protein and supplements in and the hair will resolve itself. Try not to stress over it because then it'll just make it worse since stress makes your hair fall out
Take Care,
(another Theresa M)...hehehe

Hi Theresa M
Thats one thing that I promised myself and others was that I was going to get my protein and supplements in if anything. I get it all in. I just recently went on a protein bar a day.
I have been stressed out more lately then usual so that must not be helping. I just checked the Biotin that I am taking and it is 5000 mcg's as well. I was taking two for a couple months, then started taking one not too long ago. I'll go back to two a day. I guess it will slow down. Yours did, so hopefully mine will as well. The doc said it should as well, but I see no signs of it slowing down.
I was on Nutri System about 15 years ago and my hair did the almost the same thing but not as drastic as now. I guess whenever I put my body through shock, my hair says "Hold on a minute lady, whatcha doin".
Thanks for the advice...

Hi Theresa,
I am out 2.5 years and my hair is now just starting to resemble my pre-wls hair....prior to surgery I had thick coarse hair...btw, I am a former hairstylist...anyway, I was religious about my protein, etc...also took my vitamins and extra biotin....I lost hair for about 8 - 9 months...then it slowed times, I vaccuumed the bathroom daily and used a lint roller on my pillow because the hair was so car was disgusting...also....forsenic scientists could have followed me around the world I was leaving behind so much DNA, LOL.
Anyway, use the nioxin...not sure that it worked but it did make my hair appear fuller and plumper....
also, I still use it, for colored treated is the best shampoo I have ever tried for keeping my color a redhead, my color fades...but with nioxin for color treated color stays VERY nice....sorry for the sidebar...
Also, I found that I had to totally change my styling products..went from barely needing anything to using anything that promised thicker, fuller hair....or for thin get the idea.
Anyway, my point to my rambling will lose hair and you will regrow hair...wait until it starts growing back in and you have little tufts of hair sticking up...very nice indeed, fact, I ended up getting my long(er) hair cut short and now at 2.5 years out am just starting to let it get a bit longer...I still don't think the texture is "right" but hey, at least you can't see my scalp anymore.
But, I figure that my smaller a** draws the eye away from my head...LOL!!!
Best wishes to you...this too shall pass...I promise....and one day you will barely remember it until you read a post like yours and you will be digging deep into your memory to share you experience.
Congrats on your weight loss success and best wishes to you....