Adventures with Ambien
I had a severe allergic reaction to Ambien last Friday and wound up in the hospital for 4, yes, FOUR, days in the cardiac care unit. I had all the symptoms indicating an allergic reaction: extreme difficulty breathing (had to be put on oxygen), extreme confusion (I could not tell the paramedic my name, address, etc.), and swollen tongue (couldn't speak clearly), but the real problem was that the reaction also induced a seizure. I couldn't stand or walk, continuous vomiting. Anyway, when I got to the hospital they thought that I had either a mini-stroke or a seizure (which is why they put me in the cardiac unit), and after days and days of tests, they determined that it was not a mini-stroke, but rather a seizure induced by a severe allergic reaction to Ambien. It was not my first time taking Ambien and has never happened in the past. But it was my first time taking Ambien since having WLS, so I wonder if it is related.
Anyway, I'm back and I feel fine. For what it's worth, all my cardiac tests came back with excellent results and my cholesterol was spot-on (I don't recall exactly what the number was but the doc said it was "excellent", so that was good news. So, the next time I can't sleep, I'm reaching for Tylenol PM!
Hugs, Tracy
OMG!!!! Yes, that certainly explains where you've been!!! How incredibly scary!!
I am so glad you're okay!!!
Glad all the numbers were good! Did you talk to DVR about Ambien/WLS? It's scary that non-bariatric doctors know so little about WLS that they're not able to tell you if a problem is related to that or not.
Just take care, glad you're back!
Hi Tracy!
So sorry to hear that you were not well! I had a reaction to it also pre- WLS. Horrible heart skipped every other beat.
Anna is on my lap and wants to say something! Also thank you so much for the gift...she loved it!
From Anna~~ k ik u nk nnbgubi mmhmui ppon]\.;;;. b8vv n b n
See you soon and feel better!