Happy Thump Day!
Are we all still
? I know I wish I was. I came in this morning, only to find out that the can of coffee I purchased last week is EMPTY!!! And, whatever fool used the last of it, left the empty can on top of the microwave!!!
I am seriously po'd!!!! We don't have that many people on the floor, and it's only a couple of us who bring the coffee in, while most partake of our generosity. Mind you, the people who do most of the partaking make some serious $$$$$$$ and could certainly afford to bring a can in once a month!!! Ohhhh, I am soooooo mad!!!!
Coffee is the only way I can drink my protein shake!! I just gone done firing off an email, so we'll see. I'm thinking I'm going to bring in either my personal pot or can. Deep breath, it'll be okay Tia.
Okay, what's new with you all? It's my Friday, I'm off tomorrow so I can celebrate my 1 year, which was yesterday. I was a little hurt that my family didn't acknowledge it, so my flowers from Terry were even more special. I didn't expect a lot, just some acknowledgement of all of my hard work. I guess my tear bag is hanging a little low today. Oh, well, like I said, it's Friday!!!
Going to the pool supply store with my brother tonight because his pool, I guess because of the terrible heat, has turned an unappetizing shade of GREEN!!! Then I guess we'll go to dinner somewhere, because it's too blasted hot to cook!
Hope everyone has a good day!!! Drink your water and WATER YOUR LETTER CARRIERS!!!
Take care,

Hey Tia, It's my "Friday" too - woo hoo! I have a person 4-cup coffee maker that I use to brew my tea. It's been a life saver for me to have my own personal supply.
Here's my food plan for the day.
AM - 2 cups of hot tea
B - Atkins protein shake and a nectarine
L - Pure protein bar, tossed salad, plum
S - I'll be snacking on the run, so probably another protein bar so something I can eat while driving. No crackery or carby stuff though.
D - I have a hair dresser appointment after work so I have no idea what time I'll even be home much less what's for dinner. I do have a hankering for some steamed snow crab legs and they're on sale at Giant this week. Hmmmm......
No food after dinner
meds and vits: done
water: Will shoot for 100 oz of liquids - already have 24 oz under my belt
exercise: It's my "light day" so about an hour of light aerobics and no toning
Hey Divine-Looking Lady!
Yeah, I'm thinking I need to do my own personal pot, but I don't really have the room in my office, so we'll see. I was just REALLY peeved this morning!!! Sorry I didn't do the Whatcha' Eating post, but thanks for your input. You know, I don't miss the crackery, chip-type carbs, just the sugary kind, and I really need to get ahold of that. When I look at what I eat, I just don't understand why the scale isn't moving - I really am compliant, other than that sugar. I guess maybe the sugar, even a little bit, has a bigger impact than I thought. Of course, it doesn't help that I haven't been exercising. I know I need to get my butt in gear. I'd like to blame it on the heat, but everywhere I go has a/c, so it's just an excuse. Would that I had the money for a personal trainer - one who looks good in spandex, of course!!!!
Oh, the crab legs sound good - I'm pushing for our September get-together to be eating steamed crabs, so keep an eye out here.
Have a wonderful day!!!
Good morning y'all!
It's thursday and so far this week I have not gotten in any exercise. Sunday night was the last time I worked out!
Yuck!!! I have just been so busy. Every evening has been taken from me. Ok, so I know I gave them up but I spent time with my daughter before she headed off for Cali and then the next evening my dh wanted to go out for dinner and last night was church. My new schedule with work is hard to adjust to for my workouts. Before I was home by 4:00 PM, now I don't get in until 6 and most days I am ready for dinner by then since I eat lunch around 12 and don't really have anything else until dinner. I plan to go to curves 3x a week right after work, which really makes a difference, but this week it seems that something else has been planned for each evening. And tonight I am gonna be taking my daughter to Praise & Worship practice from 6:30 on. That doesn't leave much time for working out. UGH!
I am pushing the water again today. I really have to watch myself. I am still getting some mild dizzy spells and am (sorry if this grosses you out) constipated. I know its from nearly being dehydrated. I have to be so careful. Especially in this heat, not that I am out in it but still.
Eating for me today won't be that great. I didn't have my blender ready this morning, forgot to run the dishwasher last night. So I didn't get my shake. I am gonna have some sliced turkey and cheese for lunch.
Work feels like it'll be pretty slow today. It was really slow yesterday afternoon. But I know that as I learn my job I'll get busier.
Have a wonderful day. I am looking to meeting y'all in person on Sunday.
Hugs, Robin

Hey Robin -
You know, life is just so crazy sometimes, it's hard to do what we NEED to do. Even though I don't have any children, I RENT my brother's and help him daily with them. It's hard work taking care of everyone else and ourselves, sometimes near impossible. But even if you can't exercise, you MUST get in tha****er!!! So what's up with that - do you just not like it? I found that post-op, Randy doesn't like plain water, but boy can I guzzle CL!!! So that's what I do - in fact, I'd love to have what I spend at Wally World on their brand of CL! Since your life is so crazy, maybe you need to keep some emergency rations on hand - RTD protein drinks, tuna, etc., that way YOUR needs are taken care of for once.
Okay, stepping off the soapbox now! Hope you have a good, busy, quick day!
CYA Sunday,
Yeah, Tia, I try to keep some snacks around so I can munch on them, nuts, beef jerky, etc. I just havn't had any this week. I like water, I just don't get thirsty so I have to remind myself to drink. So, I am working on keeping a big glass of ice water right next to my comp monitor so I have to look at it. I had a hard time with the taste of water post-op. But now it's all okay if it's got ice in it. I am just not a drinker. I still have to sip a lot too so I feel like I am sipping every three minutes just to finich one cup of water. But I know it's important.
I love that you give so much of yourself to your nieces/nephews. That's wonderful. My kids have not ever really lived around family and when we did my brother and sister just weren't close to them. We are so grateful for our church families and friends that we make when we move. They become our family. We've even had some people "adopt" our kids as their grandchildren. It's so nice.

Morning Tia!
Today is off to a MUCH better start than yesterday. I almost NEVER have headaches and yesterday the stress got to me .. and while my head didn't POUND .. I had a tension/stress thing going on.
I ran to Babies R Us last night to pick up a group gift card for a shower next week .. and forgot one of the participants .. so the card is $20 short
. We have it covered though. The gal who forgot to give me her $$ and I forgot to ask her for it .. is going to get another card from Safeway or Food Lion and we will just put both gift cards inside the card we are signing.
Tonight is the office crab feast ... yummmy .. I used to not enjoy crabs because I felt like I would starve trying to pick enough to satisfy me. Now I manage just fine .. I can eat maybe 6 or 7 crabs over the 2 1/2 hours and I just enjoy the socializing. My boss usually rides over with me and then I drop her back here at the office on the way home.
Enjoy your Friday!!! I've still got another day this week, but as my buddy Joyce always says .. it's Friday Eve !!! and today is FriPAY eve
.. which makes it even better.
Hugs, Mo

Morning Mo!
Glad you're feeling better. Fortunately, I almost never get headaches, but my Mom gets daily migraines and has for years, so I know what a "pain" they can be. I have a stress/tension thing going on, don't really know why, except I feel like I could bite someone's head off. Hmmm, wonder how much protein's in that???
I love wedding and baby showers, especially when they're not for me!!! The gift card thing is SOOOO nice, that way the recipient can get what they need/want. I already told my Brother Santa that I want gift cards for Christmas this year - I have NO winter clothes! You know, I know it's early, but I was thinking that maybe our "group" could do a small gift exchange for Christmas. Maybe an ornament exchange? That way we don't have to spend a lot of $$$$. Let me know what you think.
Ohhh, have some crabbies for me!!! As long as I don't drink while I'm eating them, and I never drink/eat anyway, I can usually do about a dozen.
Friday Eve - I LOVE it!!!! Much better than Thump Day. FriPAY Eve is almost as magical as Christmas Eve!!!
Have a great day!!!