getting ready... surgery 5/30/06
Hi! I'm getting ready for lap band surgery on May 30. I'm very excited and nervous. I have a few questions...
First, I'm trying to prepare myself, my family (2 kids), and my house for the upcoming surgery. I'm trying to make sure all household things are in order, there is food in the fridge/freezer, and all bills are paid. Is there any helpful advice anyone could give me in order to be ready for the post-surgery recovery? I have help for the first week (family) and am trying to get help for the second week (my babysitter). Do you think I need more help after that??
Also, I've heard various things about the actual "recovery" time. How long did it actually take before you felt better?
How long before you drove?
How long before you felt like exercising (walking, light activity)?
How long before I can go in the pool??
Thanks so much for your responses! I'd love to hear about everyone's surgery! Thanks!!!! Christine
I was released from the hospital 24 hours after surgery. I felt better after about 2 weeks. I went back to work after 3 1/2 weeks. My Dr. told me I could drive after I was off the narcotic pain meds. I didn't feel like working out until 4 weeks after. You can probably get in the pool once the steri strips fall off. Recovery is different for everyone, though. I had a friend who was in the gym 2 weeks after. Not me
Nadine O.