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Glad to hear you are home and doing well. Not going to the meet and greet, first week back to work and I'm pretty tired by the end of the school day. This weather doesn't make me want to be out on the highway either..
Thanks mike,i am going to try and get into see my gp to update him and try and get a swallow test done
Hi I was wondering if I could get a ride with someone to this Wednesday's Meet and Greet? I live in the North End. PM me if you can help.
There's a Meet and Greet this Wednesday at the Sir William Stephenson library. Come out for coffee if you're up for it. Some folks might be able to help you out with your mood changes. Even getting out of the house can lift your spirits.
So sorry to hear this Sondra. I'm hoping and praying that things will get better for you soon, or at least the doctors can give you some idea of what's going on so they have a place to start. Push MBHealth to get you to see a specialist even if this means going out of province or stateside.
All the best and have strength...
Back from surgery in Edmonton, so far little or no pain - just really tired. Eleven pound difference between my pre op and post op weigh ins. Home taking it easy now, on Full fluids, trying to get enough protein and liquids in (not really a problem).
Anyone going that might be able to give me a ride there and back. I live in the North End not too far from the library but far enough after my surgery.. Send me a PM if you can. Thanks,
Congrats and all the best Lorna, maybe I'll see you at the Meet and Greet if I can scrounge up a ride.