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REMINDER THAT THIS IS ALSO A CLOTHING SWAP - so bring your items that you no longer are using and be prepared to exchange for some new and interesting items.
I will be providing coffee, cream, sweetner and cups for this meeting if anyone wants to bring some munchies please feel free. Also if you have found new foods that you want to share bring samples along.
MEET AND ...GREET IN WINNIPEG for all who have had or thinking of having or are having Bariatric Surgery; whatever type. This is an open group for all who want to meet others going through similar things.
I will try to remember to post this one more time closer to the dates.
I have secured Louis Riel Library for two dates: 17 Apr 14 from 6 PM on and 22 May from 6 PM both are Thurs nights.
Louis Riel Library is in St Vital just south of the Mall on Dakota
Louis Riel Library
1168 Dakota Street
I hope that some or most of you can make it. It is one direct bus from downtown Winnipeg and it is on the outskirts for all of our out of towners.
Hope to see you there Lorna
You will have two separate invitations - there are two groups. I invited you to join the one that Karen hadn't already sent the invitation for.
HW 270 (Sept 2011); surgery weight 236 (Feb 6, 2012); current 167 (103 lb lost); goal set by nutritionist 148 (ha ha!!). Vertical sleeve gastrectomy at Obesity Control Center (Dr. Ariel Ortiz), Tijuana, MX. Self-pay, self-referral, 4-week wait. Abdominoplasty Aug 10, 2013 (Dr. K. Dolynchuk, Winnipeg - self-pay)
That's great! It will be nice to meet you if I make it to the city...
Thanks First time I'm coming to check it out .. Viola
You can check with your local RHA too - I am about an hour away from Winnipeg as well, and just found out that I just missed the Craving Change workshop that was offered at our local health centre. I contacted my RHA and unfortunately they haven't scheduled another one for my area, but will be notified when they do.
That is awful! :( I'm so sorry that they've done this to you! I think that mental health is one of those grey areas to use toward eligible admission criteria... There is a history of mental illness on my dads side of the family; and I too have been under alot of stress and turmoil recently due to his condition... Although I do not suffer from mental illness, I have dealt with major depression in the past, and hope that all these factors don't affect me negatively as well. I think if I was in your position, I'd be absolutely crushed. WLS is necessary for health reasons - although i don't know the whole story or what you suffer from, you do not choose to be placed in a situation involving mental illness.... That seems so unfair.
I think at this point, an appeal would be justified. Good luck