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ok so it might be the hernia repair came undone or another one popped up but havent really decided which. they are pumping me full of laxitives to see if that will make a far this week i have gone through a bottle and half of lactulose 3 enimas one cup of peglyte and now i have to drink 1 gallon if the peglyte until i still stuck on the 2 nd floor.they keep saying that they are trying to get me a room up on 7 but im not getting my hopes up any more.
Duodenal switch is not covered, but VSG is, and so is RNY. There is a Manitoba Program, you get referred by your family doctor. The max bmi right now for the manitoba program is 55. They will also cover out of province and also transportation for the patient and one caregiver. There is a program in Edmonton called weight wise or something like that, I believe their max bmi is 60. This program also requires a referral from your doctor. Hope this helps. There is also a Dotor in Medicine Hat named Carl Nohr that does RNY which is covered by Manitoba health.(ALSO 55 MAX BMI). Most wait times are approx. 2 years. Mexico is also an option for self pay. Lots of us go there. I did. Duodenal switch done for $8500. all inclusive.
I sure hope they find out what is wrong and fix it. Don't let them send you home till you find out. This just sound too scary to chance going home. I hope it all turns out okay and you can start to feel better. Barb
You look awesome. Great job. What a difference in the side by side photos. Congrats.
Hi Sondra
Hope you'll get the surgery and get back on your feet. You've been through a lot since I've known you
Take care
Hi there
Congrats, you look good, Amazing difference when you put the pics side by side. Hope to see you soon
Hi all,
I am looking for information for a family member that lives in Winnipeg and I was hoping someone could save me a lot of time if you guys already know if your provincial health plan will cover duodenal switch surgery, or the vsg. Do they refer patients out of province or to the States?
So estrogen is stored in fat and as your body metabolizes the fat, it releases the estrogen in your body which can reek havoc on your body and your emotions. Try increasing your water intake, I found it helped.
geexz Sondra, WTH? hope you feel better soon and they fix you up. This is crazy, you are so far out from your surgery (I am assuming these are WLS related complications? ) take care.