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i glad that it is slowly starting to get better.I am so happy that you are now on TPN,I know it doesnt solve the problem but atleast you will get your nutrition.take it easy and rest.I could come visit one day next week when you are up to it.keep us posted as we all worry about you.sending prayers and love your way.
I am glad to hear you are feeling more hopeful and that you are getting nutrition. Keep us posted we are thinking of you and all wishing you the very best and sending good vibes. Lorna
Thanks everyone for your kind words and thoughts...things are getting better. I got my picc line, and I am now on TPN as I have lost what muscle I had left. Hopefully it will be for the shorter term..I managed to eat a bit of an egg and some mashed potato today. My swallow test shows that things are is just a waiting game. I will progress as I tolerate foods, no rush now that I have the TPN. I feel quite relieved now that I am getting nutrition. Hopefully I will be home by Thanksgiving, maybe some day passes next week. There is an end in sight! Hopefully you are all having a great day...kj
awe kim,i am so sorry you are goign through this still.I know there is nothing i can say that will help you other thatn i am thinking about you and am here if you want to talk.When you are up to it i can come see you.I know what its like sitting in a hospital room for days by your can text me when ever you want.i am always here for you.I am praying that this gets figured out quickly for both you and your family.if you need anything let me know
hugs and prayers
the meeting are for anyone who is in the manitoba program only.there are both pre and post ops there.if you want to be added call clinic and ask to be put on email list for group sessions
Hi Kim
Sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how frustrating this would be. You can vent as much as you want since thats what friends are for. Please keep us posted
Thought and prayers
they are open to patients of the manitoba program.they are educational sessions that help you through the journey post op.they discuss a different subject every month.We have talked about plastics,relationships,eating out with group.and different topics dealing with life after surgery.they are usually held on the first wednesday of the month at 6pm at the victoria hospital.
hope this helps
What kind of meetings are they? Should I know about these as a post op patient? Please keep me informed! Thanks!
well i emailed them this morning and received a response and they said that there will be no meetings until december....