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I have 2 or 3 garbage bags full again mostly sizes 18 to 22. I don't want to haul them there if no one is interested in those sizes, I will just donate them now and get them out of my way. ANYONE want them??? Send me a message.
My progress has been much the same. No change for a long time on the scale then after oh I don't know 6 or 7 months down 5 lbs in a week and stalled there again. I am getting allot of people telling me I look like I have lost a bunch more weight over the last few months when it was only 5 lbs but maybe things are shifting around and muscle is replacing fat??? Don't know. Focus on how far you have come and refocus your eating habits, if you're like me bad habits have started creeping back in and I have to really pull myself back in every once in a while to stay on course. My exercise has really slowed down now that I am in my busy season and working all the time but also having lots of trouble with my sciatic nerves and pain in both legs when I stand allot or walk more than about 15 minutes. Oh this is such a fun journey....but I don't look back. Stay the course things will move again.
So right from the start I found myself with the typical weight loss batwings and that was fine....but now I find that if I lower my arms too quickly they slap against my side and go "Whapppppp". Talk about embarrassing! Then there is the issue of my no almost non existent boobs but I would rather be the weight I am today than have my boobs and non wobbling arms! LOL
Have a great day everyone!
Hugs Michelle! I hope it get better soon! I know it's hard when you still want to lose some more ( I am on that boat too!) But to maintainn is so wonderful too! Feel better soon!
Actually feeling not too bad the last 2 days. The nausea and runs have slowed down, now if I could just sleep but I am up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom.
Had my pre op assessment today and we are good to go next Wednesday. Nurse is saying you can have boost right up til midnight on Tuesday and I'm like no thanks I'm good...almost passed out though after exam as I sat up too quick. Need to remember to go slower
The pre-op diet was the most challenging part of the process for me. The weight loss is amazing though. I am thrilled that you are finally getting your turn!
It is worth it. Hang in there.