Meet & Greet
ANYONE WANTING TO HAVE A MEET AND GREET AT THE LIBRARY CAN STILL DO IT. Just call Andrew at the library (sir william stephenson). The name OH obesity help group is allowed 4 free meetings per year. You could start a new group lets say you could call it manitoba weight loss group or winnipeg weight loss group and get 4 more meetings per year for each group. Have as many as you want, just allowed 4 free per group after 4 you pay for the meeting room. You can also use other libraries, I liked this one because of the size of the meeting room and it has free parking also it has a coffee maker etc... At the last meeting we decided to have another one in March with a clothing swap at the Sir William Stephanson again. That will be the Spring meet and greet. I was just going with one per season under OH obesity help name. Barb
Hi everyone. I havent been on in a while but felt the need to check in. I would love to try and have a meet and greet before the SPRING. How about the beginning of February? I can reserve the room at Smitty's on Pembina OR we can try Perkins on Henderson - they dont have a room but they do have an area that is off to a corner. Thoughts?