I'm not sure I can make it. We were in an accident last weekend and am down to one car. Hubby took it to work and won't be home until close to six. If I am feeling up to it I might pop in but not sure.
I've been feeling down in the dumps. I'm up 10 lbs to 205 since my neck dissection surgery oct 15 . I was less active and grazed more during that first month but not enough to gain 10 lbs , imo. I'm terrified if I've gained 10 lbs from not doing much different I don't know what I will do when I have to go totally off my meds in january for 3 weeks. They make you go super hypothryoid before they treat with radioactive iodine. So that means my metabolism will be **** for those weeks. I also have to follow a special low iodine diet for a week ( no dairy, no soy, which means no protein powders ,no fish,no seafood, nothing from the sea, nothing with iodized salt so pretty much any processed foods or condiments , meat limited to 6 oz a day. no red dyes etc ) then I get to be radioactive for about a week where I isolate myself so I don't contaminate anyone else. It totally sucks and it is getting me worried. I'm a bit of a downer these days and my fatigue is high. I swear I could sleep all day and I don't know how I will cope come jan