MB Bariatric Clinic
on 6/21/13 7:44 am - Canada
on 6/21/13 7:44 am - Canada
There is a great tool on MY FITNESS PAL WEBSITE. Keep your food journal on that website and take it with you when you go to see the surgeons and dietitians...they really like seeing people using this app and encourage you to use it before and after surgery. They also see you are committed and serious when they see it documented. I found it a great tool to keep you on track and stopped cheats. You have done fabulous on your own and you should be very proud of yourself. We all know how difficult it is to loose and even more difficult to keep it up and off over a long period of time. Good luck..it won't be much longer before you meet the criteria. Barb C.
VSG on 12/03/13
Also get a pedometer and keep a record of your physical activity, sleep, moods, etc.
VSG on 12/03/13
You can add notations on the same page where you record your foods. In the text box besides the glasses of water consumed.