on 5/29/13 5:38 am
i don't know if i spelt it properly or not..
Aspartame is used in diet drinks, crystal light, mio etc..
my dad says that when he was using crystal light, his blood sugars went up.. well my last apt, my sugars had gone up as well, and i use mio and crystal light on a regular basis.. has anyone else heard of anything like this??
sorry, i did this post quickly as i am running late for work. lol i look forward to any replies..
how is your carb intake?are you eating alot of fruit,or refined sugar.What are you eating daily .have you added any otherr new things to your diet.
you would be surprised at the amount of hidden sugar in foods.i no longer just look at sugar amounts on side of boods i also look at total carbs too.i do this because carbs for me act like sugar to a diabetic .