it's not the cheapest place, but today (sunday 7th) is bonus redemption day at shoppers. if you have lots of shoppers points you can redeem for more product than usual, and if you need a lot of boost (which i assume you do) you can redeem for $100 or $200 worth using points that would normally get less product.
i would also check online for store flyers to see if it's on sale somewhere. otherwise i would head to walmart or superstore, they sometimes end up cheaper than other stores.
referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287
I bought Bene-protein at superstore pharmacy.. $22.00 a can. Sometimes they might not have it in but they will order it for you. Caution: buy one can at a time, you may not need anymore than that and who wants to waste money.
I am looking to get the gastric bypass surgery. Not sure if that is the way you went?