2 1/2 years out- UPDATE - VSG AND Plastics

on 4/5/13 8:03 am, edited 4/6/13 10:08 am - Winnipeg, Canada



J. t
on 4/5/13 12:01 pm - Canada

thank you so much for writing! i recently got accepted and am a mix of emotions, trying to figure out what i ought to be doing now. my acceptance letter said to maintain my weight or lose, so i'm using myfitnesspal to track my food intake. what an eye opener! did you find you pretty much had to turn your habits inside out? cause man, the change will be drastic for me!

it's awesome to hear from someone who's been through the manitoba program. was it hard to get approved for plastics? i'm wondering especially about breast reduction - i imagine lots of that was skin, but how much did you have to reduce and was it covered by manitoba health? i'm not sure what my breasts will look like after but they're already heading south. i've always been huge and don't want to be small, but would like to look more normal.

referred nov 2012 accepted march 2013 orientation october 2014. sw: 287

on 4/5/13 1:11 pm, edited 4/5/13 1:11 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
on 4/5/13 10:39 pm

Thank you so much for sharing your journey..alot of what you said has really sunk in. Its nice to hear from others ahead of me and how they make this new way of like a success.

Referred Dec/2011
Acceptance letter Jan 24/12
7.5 months - 70 pounds!!!

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