Trials and Tribulations Again
Well after months of complaining about increasing pain, going for cts and ultrasounds, I am not nuts! Next week they will repair my internal hernia which is very evident on the ct. The surgery should be quite uncomplicated ( just what I am used to). Hopefully this will be the end of the operating room tour for me! He says it will be like night and day when referringto how i will feel. All I can say is this time he had better be right! I will see everyone at the meet and greet as my surgery isnt til the next day. See you all there. kj
Hope your surgery goes well!
If anyone had told me I could feel so much better after my gall bladder surgery I wouldn't have believed them but I feel pretty darn good! Back to work this week and very tired, but pain has been minimal and even my acid reflux has pretty much disappeared. Now to heal so I am ready for WLS when they call!