Goal Bittersweet
Well after 9 months I have passed my personal goal of 150lbs-I am down to 148, a number I havent seen since my teens! Instead of being a milestone it comes with yet another millstone. My doc thinks I probably have a fistula from my pouch to my remnant stomach. This is again something they havent ever dealt with before, especially since my pouch was wrapped with omentum after my last surgery. I am going for a test on Wednesday to confirm their diagnosis. There is a very remote chance that the ct contrast in my remnant flowed back up thru the duodenum, but they think that this is highly unlikely. Most of my personal achievements have been overshadowed by health issues. Whew, I feel better for venting! I would still do it again, and I am thrilled with the weight loss, I just wish there was a quick easy fix for things. Have a great day all.