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on 6/19/12 2:39 am
Hi all,

For those who went to Mexico, particularly, Dr. Ponce De Leon, does your family doctor send the referral to him directly or does the family doctor fill out forms sent from Mexico?

Also, by going to Mexico so quickly, did you miss some of the prep time and information? Psych visit, NUT visit etc?

Is there a direct phone number to get ahold of Trish?

Since my BMI is 51 and my knees are shot, I know that I need the surgery, but I wish I could feel confident that I will be successful after the surgery. My negative self is fast at work!!! Maybe I shouldn't read the Failed Surgery Forum? Anyone here on Manitoba Forum run into problems further down the line?

Thanks for the support.
on 6/19/12 7:23 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Don't go to the failed surgery forum! LOL. You can do this. I haven't gone to Mexico, I was referred to Edmonton and am waiting so others can answer you Mexico questions. I just wanted to tell you that YOU CAN DO THIS!

 HW: 361  CW: 337.8  Goal:  To come off most of my meds


on 6/19/12 9:29 am
You can call or email Trish and she will send you some medical forms. If all is well with them after they see the forms then alll you have to do is pick and time, see if that works for them, book your flights and you are good to go! I had just had a medical a month before I went so I new I was in great shape and I didnt feel I needed a pysch evaluation so that didnt bother me. There is a doctor who comes in after and explains the diet to you but quite a few of us here arent completely following his suggestions at this point. He doesnt stress enough protein so although I followed everything to the letter in the beginning, now at 3-4 weeks Im improvising a bit.I did have alot of gas pain after the surgery and felt really sick from the anastetic (but i always do anyway) but no pain whatsoever. I kept telling them I didnt have any pain so to stop giving it to me. I will pm you Trish;s direct phone and email, okay?

Referred Dec/2011
Acceptance letter Jan 24/12
7.5 months - 70 pounds!!!

on 6/19/12 11:52 am - Canada
VSG on 05/21/12
Ditto to everything Madeline just said, I had my surgery the day before she did, by dr Ponce.
Everything is going great
Referal weight 265, surgery date weight 243, ticker is all post op loss so add 22 to ticker loss




on 6/20/12 11:06 am - portage la prairie, Canada
how much did it cost for everything to go to mexico? how long did it take from beginning to end?? how do you get started to go there??
on 6/20/12 1:38 pm - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
I went to mexico april 3 , 2010 and just got back this week from taking my sister to get her surgery.

There is a great board on here ( not super active but good )

Do some reading on there. I am biased to my surgeon ( the same one as madeline and justmest)  Dr Ponce de Leon and Trish as a co ordinator. I had a great experience - I have pictures up at  to show what the hospital looks like .

I paid $5500 and that included everything but my flight to san diego ( 500 after taxes) and any spending money for shopping. I think I spent less than 200 bucks there. Trish will have a driver pick you ( and if you bring someone with you) at the airport in San Diego, they drive you across the border ( about 30 minutes) and get you checked into the hospital. You see a cardiologist who does an ekg , some blood work and then you meet with the surgeon.  With Trish - we were picked up at the airport at 1;00 and had surgery around 3 or 4 pm . You have a private room with a hospital bed for yourself  and  a bench like place if you brought someone to sleep. They could also pay the 80 bucks and stay at the lucerna hotel across the street. I slept on the bench thing for the first night and it was comfy enough when I went with my sister,. You spend 2 nights in the hospital and one night at the hotel ( included ) the hotel is great - Trish will take you out for broth once you are released from the hospital and shopping or to the beach. We went shopping both times, although we had her take us to costco on our return trip as well lol... we wanted to see mexico costco. She also arranges pedicures in your hotel room which is very relaxing.

On check out day - they have a driver take you back to the airport ( or in our case the hotel in san diego since we were staying there for an extra night ) It takes about 2 hours to cross the border in Mexico to the usa. Trish also arranges for a medical pass as well so you get to cross faster - the first time I went it was about 2 hours to cross but otherwise it would take 4 on that day ( was a holiday and very busy)  It took us an hour this time with the medical pass because it wasn't as busy ( one of the worlds busiest border crossings - it's like nothing I have ever seen before !)

The dr's I would recommend in Mexico are Dr Aceves, Dr Alverez , ( not to be confused with almanza -I do not recommend him or Dr pompa !) Dr Ponce de LEon, Dr Joya .... these were my choices with my research.   Some people like Dr Kelly but I didn't like the research personally .  Dr Ponce has a lot of experience but yet the price is still good .The other dr's were closer to 8000-10000 ish ..... Dr Joya I believe is in Puerto Vallerta. The dr a's are in mexicali.  Dr Ponce is in Tijuana.
You basically contact the co ordinator and send your information . It can be done on very short notice.  Trish's website is

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

on 6/21/12 12:14 am
Hi all,

Thank you Rainyone for all the great information about Mexico, but I am hesitant to call Trish for fear that I can't do this! I worry a great deal about not being able to fight the head hunger after the recovery time. I have read others blogs and realize that I am not alone in this struggle. I know that the surgery is only a tool, that healthy food and exercise are the key to success but if I can't do it right now, what will change to get me following the healthy plan after the surgery, especially when depression strikes it's ugly head?

Thanks for listening,
on 6/21/12 12:39 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
 It's something to be aware of . I know I am still in the honeymoon stage but I know I couldn't have done this without the surgery . It was a last resort for me . Im almost 40 and I've been overweight since I was a teenager .  I wasn't doing it on my own and needed this tool . You have to do what is right for you !

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

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