People's responses!!!

on 6/14/12 6:23 am - Pine Falls, Canada
People who have not seen me in a while are now telling me I should gain weight!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh....... That is so bloody annoying.  I wish people would keep comments to themselves.  Crap, ya never win...

HW 300 CW 294 DAY OF SURG WEIGHT 267 Height  5'2.5
NUT Goal 180   My Goal  150

on 6/14/12 6:51 am - Canada
I can relate...Somebody just told me to stop losing weight or else I was going to get sick! I am FAR from "sickly" looking...and when I told them i told them I wanted to lose at least 10 more pounds, they rolled their eyes and said, "Just don't become anorexic!" need to worry about that...I still love food as much as I used to.

People's responses are so interesting...and varied. I never know what I'm going to hear next. Most is very good, but then there's the odd person who just HAS to make some negative or judgemental comment.
HW: 290 SW: 260 CW: 165 Their goal: 195 My goal: 160
on 6/14/12 1:38 pm - Manitoba, Canada
I hear you. I'm at 156 lbs now and I still want to lose about 25 more. I'm happy where I am but I'm not stopping until my body is ready. I'd like to allow for bounce back too. I also still love food as much as before. 



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










on 6/15/12 12:02 am - Winnipeg, Canada
VSG on 02/21/12
Funny...Who would have ever thought.  Hopefully I'll get to experience those same comments in the least once, but for right now I'm in the compliment stage.  A few days ago I read a thread on the main VSG boards, pretty much the same subject .  Some of the comments made me chuckle.   My favorite comebacks were:

"I tell them that "I'll stop losing when my head falls through my asshole"

"When you have M.D. behind your name, 10 years of bariatric surgical experience, and my insurance has paid you to alter my guts, I'll heed your advice and might consider your opinion on my weight valid. Until then, you get zero SAY in when I need to stop losing weight."

Here's the thread if you want to read all the comments - o-stop-losing-weightquot/

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. Edmund Hillary
HW 282  CW 229  Height 5'9"  NUT Goal: 195-199  My Goal: 175


on 6/15/12 12:02 am
UGH!!! I hear ya girls!! Seriously, my mom wasnt happy when I was 270, now she's not happy I weigh 160. At 5'10" that's a pretty healthy weight. Her beef is that I only weigh 20lbs more than her and she is 5'2"(well used to be 5'2")

but as I like to tell her....I WORK OUUUUUT...said to the tune of "Sexy and I Know it" by LMFAO.

When people tell us to gain weightt, they are being quite transparent as to where THEY feel they fit in. Most people were quite happy to let us be the "fat. funny, charming....etc girl in the group" Well too bad for them, I wasn't created to assure them of their existence.

When people say shizz like that to me, I just say..LOUDLY..."WOW! I know right? I Just feel SO MUCH better. I'm just going to continue working out and eating good food, see where that takes me!...this has an amazing effect if I am stuffing a chunk of dark chocolate in my face while I say it. LOL

Let the haters be haters...I LOVE YA SHERRY!!! and really...what more do you need besides my love?...

Want me to beat them up??
Highest Weight Ever:312 StartW:272 CW:164 SW:253 GW:180  Height 5'10"

on 6/15/12 2:52 am
VSG on 10/16/12

JustLori - love the link, I'll have to remember some of those when/if I ever get to that stage ......."my head through my arse!! hahahah"

Kokonut - you're so fierce!  I have only met you once and briefly in a room full of "strangers" but your energy totally lends itself to LMFAO!  I can see you in the spandex neons, big glasses and 'fro!  sory for party rockin'.....

No offence, but the whole works of you vets - quit your dam whining!!!! I wish I had your problems!!  (jking of course) I'm living for the day someone tells me i'm to skeeny (said in my hungarian grandma's voice)  lol!!  soon..... soon.....


. Surgery date OCTOBER 16th    
Tanya W.
on 6/15/12 4:40 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Transparent jealously - honestly! When will people stop believing that they have a right to tell us what to do with our own bodies?!

I agree with Notorious Granny though - it sure is a nice position to be in...enjoy it!!!

Take Care,

on 6/16/12 2:29 am
RNY on 05/15/12

What has been on my mind a lot lately is that when I look at my collection of close friends, the common link is that we are all more than 50 lbs overweight and most of us more than 80.  Is it the birds of a feather concept at work?  Losing weight will I know change my position with some people.  I know there are some people that are more comfortable around me because I am  bigger than them and they look good and feel better because of that fact. 

Referred March 2/11,  Group Orientation Nov. 4 /11, Surgery date May 15/12  RNY    
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