Home and recovering nicely
I got to go home yesterday, day 2 post op and am doing very well. Dr. Andrew said that I had done really well on the pre op diet and that made it much easier. Everything went well, the first night was long with very little sleep but the next morning was the changing point.
I had very painful muscle spasms through my stomach all night and could not do the deep breathing, but I was able to drink all the fluids they wanted my to drink. First trip up to the bathroom started some bleeding but not too bad. Very uncomfortable in bed and could not roll over at all had to stay on my back and trying to move triggered a very painful bout of muscle spasms that brought the nurses running and more pain meds. I thought I had a lot of pain meds but the nurses kept saying I wasn't having that much. Morning of Day 1 I got up and sat in the chair for a while and was able to breath deeper and coughed up some phlem and that was turning point, my spasms stopped and I was able to breath so much better and the coughing continued.
I was very lucky as I had no nausseu to speak of and taking fluids is going very well. The pain meds they sent me home with are making me drowsy but I am not using them much. Now I am focusing on trying to get the protein in, sipping my water and walking.
My hubby went and got us wireless internet the day he brought me home so I can stay connected while I recouperate. What a sweetie!!
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. I can't believe it's done and my new life is begining. So move over ladies I am on the losers bench now!