Coffee after RNY??

on 3/29/12 5:51 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Just wondering can we drink  coffee after surgery?  I am addicted and am wondering if I should be weening myself off now or not?  I usually have two in the morning then switch to decaff for the rest of the day.  About a 6 cup a day habit.
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/12 7:11 am
best to ween off it....  1. not good for you, but 2. high acid content is hard on your stomach.. I still drink it but limit it .  also take a very strong anti acid every day.. nexium..
on 3/29/12 7:14 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Hmmmm that was the answer I was expecting...not hoping for.  Better start now then.  Thanks!
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/12 7:29 am
i couldnt drink it for months was just too hard on my i can have 2 cups a day.if grouchy pouch then only one.some days i add my protien powder so it means something and i get best of both worlds.i get coffee (keeps family happy)and i get protien in too.hope this helps
on 3/29/12 11:29 pm - Canada
I drank it from when I came home and still drink it.  To much of anything is not good for you but I think people make to big of a stink over the coffee issue.  I would rather jab a pen in my eye then give up coffee.  I have given up fast food, sweets, chips, pop, sausage, pizza, hamburgers, french fries........  ect.......  I am not giving up the last bit of goodness.  Life needs some kind of balance.  If you can tolerate it, drink it!

Just my opinion
     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/12 8:32 am
omg if you can get click drink powder.its coffee and protien in one.i just had my first glass and it is soooo can have it hot or first try was cold.cant wait to try hot.
on 3/31/12 2:31 am - Pine Falls, Canada
I am a MAJOR coffee addict, Starbucks expresso every morning.  I couldn't tolerate the taste of coffee for at least 4 months post op.  Which surprized me totally.  I slowly weaned my self during the pre op shake diet.  I actually forced myself back into the habit because I mentally enjoyed drinking coffee.  Weird heh?

HW 300 CW 294 DAY OF SURG WEIGHT 267 Height  5'2.5
NUT Goal 180   My Goal  150

on 3/31/12 3:46 am - winnipeg, Canada
RNY on 06/05/12
 i was in my "preparing for bariatric surgery " class yesterday, the coffee issue was in one of the handouts, and was discussed. the plan that ive been given is- only decafe for the 1st 14 days, while the pouch is swollen, once that 14 days are up, have at 'er, caffine here i come! lol. im a big tea drinker so this was a relief for me. the handout said about 4 cups a day, as tolerated.
everyones plans are so different. i think we need to find what works best for ourselves and stick to that. if my future pouch doesnt like it, well, that would suck! lol
refered to weight wise , edmonton june 2010, asessment nov 2011, surg june 2012
on 3/31/12 5:38 am
RNY on 05/15/12
Yeah there is still hope for my love affair with coffee!   The last time I went off it totally I had a whopper of a headache for 3 day solid and was a capital "B" .  So I think if I can cut it out just prior to surgery day my pain meds should take care of the 3 day headache again and well I will have another reason for the foul mood.  LOL  Thanks for the info everyone. 
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