How to start?
Just noticed you did not get an answer here and I may not be the best person to answer but will give it a try. If you mean get started on the application for MB Health to cover weight loss surgery you need to see your personal GP. They need to refer you to the surgical program. After that is is about an 18 month wait is what I am hearing now to see if you qualify. I hope that is the info you were looking for.
I noticed that your BMI is only 38.1, do you have other health conditions caused by you weight??
I only ask because the guidelines for qualifying for surgery are clear.. A BMI of 40 or more for those without life-threatening illness or a BMI of 35 or more along with a life-threatening illness that can be made better with weight loss, such as sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
The program here also has specific requirements have a BMI between 35-47, be a female under the age of 55 and at least 1 co-morbility
I only ask because the guidelines for qualifying for surgery are clear.. A BMI of 40 or more for those without life-threatening illness or a BMI of 35 or more along with a life-threatening illness that can be made better with weight loss, such as sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
The program here also has specific requirements have a BMI between 35-47, be a female under the age of 55 and at least 1 co-morbility
Here is the article I read about the program being reviewed: ariatric-surgery-losing-it.html ariatric-surgery-losing-it.html