When does it stop

on 3/22/12 12:22 am - Canada
So I know this is a bit of a weird one, but when does the weightloss stop?  I have had to lower my goal weight twice now.  I am a week away from the one year mark.  Dont get me wrong, I love the results but if I loose much more weight I will start to be a little on the to thin side.  Just to stabalize and maintain, I pick high calorie foods (crazy I know).  I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue?
     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
on 3/22/12 11:25 am - Winnipeg, Canada
 Hi, I think it's different for everyone.  My weightloss lasted for 2 years.  I went down to 149 lbs and eveyone told me I looked too thin.  I started adding carbs and my weight went up.  You have to be carefull, I now think I gained too much and am trying to loose 10-15 lbs. 

Tanya W.
on 3/22/12 11:33 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Maybe schedule an appointment with your GP just to make sure you are ok. I am actually a little jealous. I have plateaued and just can't seem to reach my goal.

I haven't heard of anyone getting too thin from these procedures. You are bound to level off soon.

Take care.

on 3/22/12 1:21 pm - Manitoba, Canada
I don't have many suggestions other than increasing your calories and carbs. Talk to your doctor and see what they suggest. I'm only 6 1/2  months out and I sure wish I could speed up my weight loss. I get so frustrated and am so scared that because I lose so slowly that I'll never reach my goal.



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










on 3/22/12 2:02 pm - Canada
I had the exact same question as you and I asked Dr. V at my last appt. He said that our bodies will adapt and level off at it's intended weight...just like a "normal person". He said that getting too thin is very rare,
I asked Laura the same question. I had been losing weight too quickly and she suggested adding some fruit juice to my diet (yay...apple juice!) and some more carbs. I had my surgery at the very end of Sept and I've lost 90 pounds.
I'm hoping to lose 10-20 more and then stop...but I wonder if my body will agree? I think I may be exercising too much...I think once I cut down, my weight will stabilize.

HW: 290 SW: 260 CW: 165 Their goal: 195 My goal: 160
on 3/23/12 4:50 am - Canada
I dont exercise at all!  Mind you I move much faster then I used to.  I fear excerize will drop me down even more and I am trying to maintain.  I am getting a little tired of all the "you are to thin" "you should eat more"  "are you turning into an anerexic" comments.
     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
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