WLS Out of Province programs, referral info
For majority of current WLS programs these are the usual requirements:
1. Nutrititional education, either a specialized program or meetings with a Dietitan
2. Pyschological assessment
3. Daily Food Journalling
4. Exercise & daily activity tracking, walking daily using a pedometer is normally expected
**You will notice I did NOT list anything from the eastern provinces or from ONTARIO. They are currently not an viable WLS option due to either prohibitive waitlists or not accepting patients. In case you were not aware of it, the province of Ontario outright cancelled all incoming out of province referrals for WLS a few years ago. I know several people whom were unfortunately part of the cancellations. So if someone here on OH is aware of a recent change to Ontario's OP WLS policy to which they do permit it now, please do speak up.**
Here's a copy of my reply I posted earlier in another thread as it has it all listed...
"Repectfully to all I say that anything involving your own health, you should be willing to accept the responsibilty and become your own advocate. In my experience I've found not many GP's are well versed in WLS so doing the research on it I brought forth valuable info to my GP which they did not know.
As for Out of province surgery, you will require prior approval from MB health to attend each & any bariatric appointments out of province including the surgery. Should you fail to do so you could and likely will be billed directly with no grounds to appeal. Getting MB health's approval is not too difficult to obtain, it takes planning ahead. First, before you ask for approval you need to decide on a program. Yes, your GP can send multi referrals out to the different WLS programs. Be warned once you've chosen a program and attending, its a challenge to switch if you change you mind because you don't like waitlist or the requirements.
Below are links to a few programs and info for Mb health out of province claims...
Both surgeons are excellent
http://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/British-Columbia/Victoria/Mali k-Samaad-Dr/6199920.html
Dr Malik, your GP or you can contact his office for referral info
http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/services.asp?pid=service &rid=1008784
Download the WW referral off website and have GP fill in and fax off. Take note; you are required to complete a few simple steps prior to admission to clinic..(I have heard of rare exceptions made due to current health status in regards to completing steps prior to clinic admission).
1. Must attend min. 4 modules(can be arranged to be completed in one visit)
2. Begin writing a food & daily exercise activity journal (I suggest doing it regardless as it does work).
3. buy a pedometer and use daily(work way up to doing 10,000 steps a day).
http://www.rqhealth.ca/programs/surgical_care/bariatric_surg ery.shtml
You and/or GP need to contact program directly for their referral info as I believe it's directly forwarded to you GP for completion.
This gives more detailed information regarding out of province referrals
And of course there is my surgeon whom I found to be very skilled in WLS.
I hope this info is helpful to you and all who will read this. Feel free to ask if there is something you do not understand or need help finding I'll be glad to help out.
All the Best to you in your WLS journey"
By all means apply, maybe you will get lucky but she told me it hardly happens anymore...