Wait times?
I know right now the average wait time to get in to see Dr. Vergis/Andrew for inital visit is around 12 months. Just wondering if anyone has experienced a shorter wait time, maybe due to underlying medical conditions on top of the weight issue. Would love to hear your time line, from initial visit to surgery day.
VSG on 10/16/12
From all I have read and conversations with Andrea, I don't think that underlying medical conditions will help your wait time at all. In fact, if you are too sick, you may not be considered healthy enough for the surgery in Manitoba as we are still a "pilot project". When and if the program expands they may do more high risk patients but right now it seems things are done within a small scope.
VSG on 10/16/12
I haven't had my surgery yet but I finally had my info session last week. I have been a follower of this site for about a year and a signed in member since April. It seems like longer only because I have been waiting since April - lol! I eat, sleep and breath for the VSG!! I follow a few forums and have found tons of youtube videos with varying degrees of information/entertainment or just plain old success stories from real people who like to share all the different things that have happened to them ( complications, NSVs, let downs, stalls, etc.)